
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

a(1) = 1. Thereafter a(n) is the least novel k != n such that A007947(k)|n.
1, 4, 9, 2, 25, 3, 49, 16, 27, 5, 121, 6, 169, 7, 45, 8, 289, 12, 361, 10, 63, 11, 529, 18, 125, 13, 81, 14, 841, 15, 961, 64, 99, 17, 175, 24, 1369, 19, 117, 20, 1681, 21, 1849, 22, 75, 23, 2209, 32, 343, 40, 153, 26, 2809, 36, 275, 28, 171, 29, 3481, 30, 3721
In other words, a(1) = 1, then for n > 1, a(n) is the least number k, not occurring earlier, whose squarefree kernel (rad(k)) is a divisor of n.
A permutation of the positive integers. - Robert Israel, Dec 11 2022
From Michael De Vlieger, Dec 06 2022, corrected by Robert Israel, Dec 11 2022: (Start)
Some consequences of definition:
Prime n = p implies a(p) = p^2, comprising maxima.
n = 2p implies a(2p) = p, n = 4p implies a(4p) = 2p.
n = 2^e with e >= 1 implies a(2^e) = 2^(e+1) if e is odd, 2^(e-1) if e is even.
n = p^e with e >= 1 and p an odd prime implies a(n) = p^(e+1).
Composite squarefree 2n implies a(2n) = n, comprising minima.
gcd(n, n +/- 1) = 1 implies gcd(a(n), a(n +/- 1)) = 1.
Let K = rad(n); a(n) is an element of R_K, the list of K-regular numbers, 1 and those whose prime divisors are restricted to p | K. For example, if K = 6, then a(n) != n is in A003586, and if K = 10, then a(n) != n is in A003592. (End)
Michael De Vlieger, Annotated log log scatterplot of a(n), n = 1..2^12, highlighting and labeling primes in red, composite prime powers in gold and labeling in orange, composite squarefree in green, numbers that are products of composite prime powers in large light blue and labeling in blue, and all other numbers in dark blue. The first 36 terms are simply labeled in black.
For n = p^k, where p is prime and k >= 1, a(n) = p^(k+1). In particular, a(p) = p^2 (records).
a(5) = 25 because rad(25) = 5 and there is no smaller number not equal to 5 which has this property.
N:= 100: # for a(1)..a(N)
R:= map(NumberTheory:-Radical, [$1..N^2]):
A[1]:= 1:
Agenda:= [$2..N^2]:
for n from 2 to N do
if isprime(R[n]) then
if R[n] = 2 and padic:-ordp(n, 2)::even then A[n]:= n/2
else A[n]:= R[n]*n
if A[n] <= N then Agenda:= subs(A[n]=NULL, Agenda) fi;
found:= false;
for j from 1 to nops(Agenda) do
x:= Agenda[j];
if x <> n and n mod R[x] = 0 then
A[n]:= x; Agenda:= subsop(j=NULL, Agenda); found:= true; break
if not found then break fi;
convert(A, list); # Robert Israel, Dec 11 2022
nn = 120; c[_] = False; f[n_] := f[n] = Times @@ FactorInteger[n][[All, 1]]; a[1] = 1; c[1] = True; u = 2; Do[Which[PrimeQ[n], k = n^2, PrimePowerQ[n], Set[{p, k}, {f[n], 1}]; While[Nand[! c[p^k], p^k != n], k++]; k = p^k, True, k = u; While[Nand[! c[k], k != n, Divisible[n, f[k]]], k++]]; Set[{a[n], c[k]}, {k, True}]; If[k == u, While[c[u], u++]], {n, 2, nn}]; Array[a, nn] (* Michael De Vlieger, Dec 06 2022 *)
More terms from Michael De Vlieger, Dec 07 2022