Conjecture 1: there are infinitely many pairs of the form a(x) = y; a(y) = x (see examples).
First differs from A351904 at a(11).
From Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jun 10 2024: (Start)
For numbers less than or equal to a(2^20), (2^k, 2^(k+1) - 1), 0 <= k <= 19, are the only pairs satisfying a(a(x)) = x; the triple (36, 46, 91) is the only one satisfying a(a(a(x))) = x, and there are no proper order 4 quadruples and no order 5 quintuples, apart from fixed point 1.
Conjecture 2: Only the pairs x = 2^k and y = 2^(k+1) - 1, k >= 0, satisfy a(x) = y and a(y) = x.
A repeated number d in this sequence determines a pair of distinct indices u and v such that d = a(u) = a(v). This means that d is the smallest number for which parts of sizes u and v occur in the symmetric representation of sigma(d), SRS(d). There are 5507 such pairs less than a(2^20). (End)
Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000
a(n) = min( k : exists 1 <= j <= |SRS(k)|, SRS(k)[j] = n ) where |SRS(k)| denotes the number of parts in SRS(k) and SRS(k)[j] its j-th part. - Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jun 10 2024
For n = 11 we have that 21 is the smallest number k with at least one part 11 in the symmetric representation of sigma(k), so a(11) = 21.
The symmetric representation of sigma(21) in the first quadrant looks like this:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
|_ _ _
|_ _ |_ 5
|_ _|_
| |_ 5
|_ |
| |
|_|_ _ _ _ 11
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
For n = 12 we have that 6 is the smallest number k with at least one part 12 in the symmetric representation of sigma(k), so a(12) = 6.
The symmetric representation of sigma(6) in the first quadrant looks like this:
_ _ _ _
|_ _ _ |_
| |_ 12
|_ _ |
| |
| |
Some pairs of the form a(x) = y; a(y) = x:
a(2) = 3; a(3) = 2.
a(4) = 7; a(7) = 4.
a(8) = 15; a(15) = 8.
a(16) = 31; a(31) = 16.
The first three repeated terms are 45 = a(23) = a(32), 135 = a(68) = a(104) and 225 = a(113) = a(177), - Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jun 10 2024
(* a237270[ ] implements improved computing time for A237270 *)
a237591[n_, k_] := Map[Ceiling[(n+1)/#-(#+1)/2]-Ceiling[(n+1)/(#+1)-(#+2)/2]&, Range[k]]
a249223[n_, k_] := FoldList[#1+(-1)^(#2+1)KroneckerDelta[Mod[n-#2 (#2+1)/2, #2]]&, 1, Range[2, k]]
row[n_] := Floor[(Sqrt[8*n+1]-1)/2]
a237270[n_] := Module[{lw=Transpose[{a237591[n, row[n]], a249223[n, row[n]]}], diag, sL, pL}, diag=Last[lw][[2]]; sL=Split[lw, #[[2]]!=0&]; pL=Map[Apply[Dot, Transpose[#]]&, Select[sL, #[[1, 2]]!=0&]]; If[diag==0, Join[pL, Reverse[pL]], If[Length[pL]>1, Join[Most[pL], {2Last[pL]-diag}, Reverse[Most[pL]]], 2pL-diag]]]
a351903[n_] := Module[{list=Table[0, n], count0=n, i=1}, While[count0>0, Map[If[list[[#]]==0, list[[#]]=i; count0--]&, Select[a237270[i], #<=n&]]; i++]; list]
a351903[70] (* Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jun 10 2024 *)
Omar E. Pol, Feb 25 2022
a(17)-a(70) from Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jun 10 2024