There are 633 terms below 50 million and 1253 terms below 100 million. All of those have tau(k), the number of divisors of k, equal to 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16. The first term where tau(k) = 2 is n = 93836531, a prime, which is also the first term of A136634. All terms in A136634 will appear in this sequence, as will all terms in A228768(n) for n>=10. The first term with tau(k) = 4 is 9077, the first with tau(k) = 8 is 595274, and the first with tau(k) = 16 is 5170182. It is possible tau(k) must equal 2^i, with i>=0, although this is unknown.
All known terms are squarefree. - Michel Marcus, Jul 07 2021
Scott R. Shannon, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1253
9077 is a term as the number of divisors of 9077 = tau(9077) = 4, and this equals the number of divisors of R(9077) when written and then read as a base-j number, with 2 <= j <= 10. See the table below for k = 9077.
base | k_base | R(k_base) | R(k_base)_10 | tau(R(k_base)_10)
2 | 10001101110101 | 10101110110001 | 11185 | 4
3 | 110110012 | 210011011 | 15421 | 4
4 | 2031311 | 1131302 | 6002 | 4
5 | 242302 | 203242 | 6697 | 4
6 | 110005 | 500011 | 38887 | 4
7 | 35315 | 51353 | 12533 | 4
8 | 21565 | 56512 | 23882 | 4
9 | 13405 | 50431 | 33157 | 4
10 | 9077 | 7709 | 7709 | 4
Select[Range@100000, Length@Union@DivisorSigma[0, Join[{s=#}, FromDigits[Reverse@IntegerDigits[s, #], #]&/@Range[2, 10]]]==1&] (* Giorgos Kalogeropoulos, Jul 06 2021 *)
(PARI) isok(k) = {my(t= numdiv(k)); for (b=2, 10, my(d=digits(k, b)); if (numdiv(fromdigits(Vecrev(d), b)) != t, return (0)); ); return(1); } \\ Michel Marcus, Jul 06 2021
Scott R. Shannon, Jul 05 2021