Terms are numbers z such that there are exactly four solutions to z^2 = x^2 + y^4, where x, y and z belong to the set of positive integers.
Terms cannot be a square (see the comment from Altug Alkan in A111925).
Terms must have at least one prime factor of the form p == 1 (mod 4), a Pythagorean prime (A002144).
If the terms additionally have prime factors of the form p == 3 (mod 4), which are in A002145, then they must appear in the prime divisor sets of x and y too.
The special prime factor 2 has the same behavior. Means: If the term is even, x and y must be even too.
Apparently, all terms are divisible by 65. The divided terms are in A346594. Are there exceptions for n > 25? - Hugo Pfoertner, Jul 14 2021, Jul 29 2021
Yes, there are exceptions: a(44,46,53,95,97) are not divisible by 65 (5*13) but they have in common: They are divisible by 145 (5*29). - Karl-Heinz Hofmann, Aug 28 2021
Jon E. Schoenfield, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 97 terms from Karl-Heinz Hofmann)
Karl-Heinz Hofmann, All valid {z,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4} sets up to 10^9.
Karl-Heinz Hofmann, A 3D Animation of the solutions up to 10^9.
Karl-Heinz Hofmann, Python code (not only for 4 Solutions).
29679^2 = 29640^2 + 39^4, so 29679 is not a term (only one solution).
60^2 + 5^4 = 63^2 + 4^4 = 65^2, so 65 is not a term (only two solutions).
572^2 + 39^4 = 1500^2 + 25^4 = 1575^2 + 20^4 = 1625^2, so 1625 is not a term (only three solutions).
165308^2 + 663^4 = 349575^2 + 560^4 = 433500^2 + 425^4 = 455175^2 + 340^4 = 469625^2, so 469625 is a term (four solutions).
(Python) # See Hofmann link.
Karl-Heinz Hofmann, Jul 05 2021