To agree with Knopfmacher and Mays (2001), the rows start at n = 0 while the columns start at k = 1.
The row sums equal 1.
"Let G be a labeled graph, with edge set E(G) and vertex set V(G). A composition of G is a partition of V(G) into vertex sets of connected induced subgraphs of G." "We will denote by C(G) the number of distinct compositions that exist for a given graph G." By Theorem 10 in Knofmacher and Mays (2001), C(K_{n,k}) = Sum_{i=1..n+1} T(n,i)*i^k, where K_{n,k} is the bipartite graph with n+k vertices and n*k edges. For values of C(K_{n,k}), see the table on p. 10 of the paper.
We have C(K_{n,k}) = A265417(n,k).
By symmetry, Sum_{i=1..n+1} T(n,i)*i^k = C(K_{n,k}) = C(K_{k,n}) = Sum_{i=1..k+1} T(k,i)*i^n for n, k >= 1.
Denote the bivariate e.g.f.-o.g.f by A(x,y) = Sum_{n>=0,k>=1} T(n,k)*(x^n/n!)*y^k. Using the definition of T(n,k) and standard manipulations of generating functions, one can prove that A(x,y) = y + int_{w=0..x} A(w,y)*((y-1)*exp(w) + 1) dw. This leads to the initial condition A(0,y) = y and the differential equation dA(x,y)/dx = A(x,y)*((y-1)*exp(x) + 1). Solving this differential equation (for a fixed y), we get A(x,y) = y*exp((1 - y)*(1 - exp(x)) + x). (The bivariate e.g.f.-o.g.f was originally guessed due to the contributions of Seiichi Manyama in A335977.)
Aminul Huq, Compositions of graphs revisited, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 14 (2007), Article N15.
A. Knopfmacher and M. E. Mays, Graph compositions I: Basic enumerations, Integers, Vol. 1 (2001), Article A4. (See p. 9 for the table and p. 8 for the recurrence.)
Sum_{k=1..n+1} (-1)^(k-1)*T(n,k) = A309775(n) for n >= 0.
Sum_{k=1..n+1} (-m)^(k-1)*T(n,k) = A335977(n,m+1) for m >= 1 and n >= 0.
T(n,n+1) = 1 and T(n,n) = A000217(n-1) = n*(n-1)/2 for n >= 1.
T(n,1) = -A000587(n+1) for n >= 0 (complementary Bell numbers).
T(n,2) = -T(n+1,1) for n >= 1.
Bivariate e.g.f.-o.g.f: Sum_{n>=0,k>=1} T(n,k)*(x^n/n!)*y^k = y*exp((1 - y)*(1 -exp(x)) + x).
T(n,k) = Sum_{j=1..n+1} binomial(j - 1, k - 1)*(-1)^(j - k)*Stirling2(n + 1, j) for n >= 0 and 1 <= k <= n+1, where Stirling2(n,k) = A048993(n,k). (This is a modification of a formula in Section 4 of Huq (2007).)
From Mélika Tebni, Apr 20 2022: (Start)
T(n, k) = Sum_{j=0..n} A129334(n, j)*Stirling2(j+1, k) for n >= 0 and 1 <= k <= n+1.
E.g.f. column k: (exp(x) - 1)^(k-1) / (k-1)!*exp(x - (exp(x) - 1)), k >= 1. (End)
Triangle T(n,k) with rows n >= 0 and columns 1 <= k <= n+1 begins:
0, 1,
-1, 1, 1,
-1, -2, 3, 1,
2, -9, 1, 6, 1,
9, -9, -25, 15, 10, 1,
9, 50, -104, -20, 50, 15, 1,
-50, 267, -98, -364, 105, 119, 21, 1,
-267, 413, 1163, -1610, -539, 574, 238, 28, 1,
-413, -2180, 7569, -1511, -6636, 903, 1806, 426, 36, 1,
egf := k-> (exp(x)-1)^(k-1)/(k-1)!*exp(x-(exp(x)-1)):
A341287 := (n, k)-> n! * coeff(series(egf(k), x, n+1), x, n):
seq(print(seq(A341287(n, k), k=1..n+1)), n=0..9); # Mélika Tebni, Apr 20 2022
Petros Hadjicostas, Feb 08 2021