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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A340240 Odd composite integers m such that A004254(3*m-J(m,21)) == 5*J(m,21) (mod m) and gcd(m,21)=1, where J(m,21) is the Jacobi symbol. 2
55, 407, 527, 529, 551, 559, 965, 1199, 1265, 1633, 1807, 1919, 1961, 3401, 3959, 4033, 4381, 5461, 5777, 5977, 5983, 6049, 6233, 6439, 6479, 7141, 7195, 7645, 7999, 8639, 8695, 8993, 9265, 9361, 11663, 11989, 12209, 12265, 13019, 13021, 13199, 14023, 14465, 14491 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
The generalized Lucas sequences of integer parameters (a,b) defined by U(m+2)=a*U(m+1)-b*U(m) and U(0)=0, U(1)=1, satisfy U(3*p-J(p,D)) == a*J(p,D) (mod p) whenever p is prime, k is a positive integer, b=1 and D=a^2-4.
The composite integers m with the property U(k*m-J(m,D)) == U(k-1)*J(m,D) (mod m) are called generalized Lucas pseudoprimes of level k+ and parameter a.
Here b=1, a=5, D=21 and k=3, while U(m) is A004254(m).
D. Andrica, O. Bagdasar, Recurrent Sequences: Key Results, Applications and Problems. Springer, 2020.
D. Andrica, O. Bagdasar, On some new arithmetic properties of the generalized Lucas sequences, Mediterr. J. Math. (to appear, 2021).
D. Andrica, O. Bagdasar, On generalized pseudoprimality of level k (submitted).
Dorin Andrica, Vlad Crişan, and Fawzi Al-Thukair, On Fibonacci and Lucas sequences modulo a prime and primality testing, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2018, 24(1), 9--15.
Select[Range[3, 15000, 2], CoprimeQ[#, 21] && CompositeQ[#] && Divisible[ ChebyshevU[3*# - JacobiSymbol[#, 21] - 1, 5/2] - 5*JacobiSymbol[#, 21], #] &]
Cf. A004254, A071904, A340098 (a=5, b=1, k=1), A340123 (a=5, b=1, k=2).
Cf. A340239 (a=3, b=1, k=3), A340241 (a=7, b=1, k=3).
Sequence in context: A063653 A222348 A075740 * A355511 A129217 A116060
Ovidiu Bagdasar, Jan 01 2021

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Last modified September 12 15:43 EDT 2024. Contains 375853 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)