
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Base-10 super-weak Skolem-Langford numbers.
2002, 30003, 131003, 200200, 231213, 300131, 312132, 400004, 420024, 1312132, 1410004, 2002000, 2002002, 2312131, 2312132, 3000300, 4000141, 5000005, 5300035, 12132003, 13100300, 14100141, 14130043, 15100005, 15120025, 20020000, 23121300, 23421314, 25121005, 25320035, 30003000, 30013100, 30023121, 31213200
Pick any digit d of a(n): there are exactly d digits between d and the closest duplicate of d (either before or after) inside a(n).
There are infinitely many such terms.
From M. F. Hasler, Dec 19 2020: (Start)
If N is a term of the sequence, then:
(1) Any digit of N must be present at least twice in N (cf. A115853).
(2) N*10^k is also a term of the sequence, for all k >= 2.
(3) The reversal R(N) = A004086(N) is also a term (with leading zeros deleted). (End)
a(1) = 2002: in 2002 the closest duplicate of the first 2 is 2 positions away to the right, the closest duplicate of the first 0 is 0 position away to the right, the closest duplicate of the second 0 is 0 position away to the left, the closest duplicate of the second 2 is 2 positions away to the left;
a(2) = 30003: in 30003 the closest duplicate of the first 3 is 3 positions away to the right, the closest duplicate of the first 0 is 0 position away to the right, the closest duplicate of the second 0 is 0 position away (either to the left or to the right), the closest duplicate of the third 0 is 0 position away to the left, the closest duplicate of the second 3 is 3 positions away to the left;
a(13) = 2312131: if you pick any digit 1, the closest duplicate of this 1 is 1 position away (either to the left or to the right), if you pick any 2, the closest duplicate of this 2 is 2 positions away, if you pick any 3, the closest duplicate of this 3 is 3 positions away, etc.
def nn(ti, t, s):
li = s.rfind(t, 0, max(ti, 0))
ri = s.find(t, min(ti+1, len(s)), len(s))
if li==-1: li = -11
if ri==-1: ri = len(s)+11
return min(ti-li, ri-ti) - 1
def ok(n):
strn = str(n)
if any(strn.count(c)==1 for c in set(strn)): return False
for i, c in enumerate(strn):
if nn(i, c, strn) != int(c): return False
return True
for n in range(6*10**6):
if ok(n): print(n, end=", ") # Michael S. Branicky, Dec 17 2020
(PARI) is_A339803(n)={!for(i=1, #n=digits(n), (i>n[i]+1 && n[i-n[i]-1]==n[i])||(i+n[i]<#n && n[i+n[i]+1]==n[i])||return; for(j=max(i-n[i], 1), min(i+n[i], #n), n[j]==n[i] && j!=i && return))} \\ M. F. Hasler, Dec 19 2020
Cf. base-10 Skolem-Langford numbers: A108116 (weak), A357826 (weaker), A132291 (strong).
Cf. A339611 (same idea turned into a different sequence).
Cf. A115853.
Sequence in context: A104400 A250880 A154049 * A108116 A140920 A162240
Eric Angelini and Carole Dubois, Dec 17 2020