These are triples matching the pattern (2,1,2), (3,1,2), or (2,1,3).
A sequence of integers is unimodal if it is the concatenation of a weakly increasing and a weakly decreasing sequence.
The k-th composition in standard order (graded reverse-lexicographic, A066099) is obtained by taking the set of positions of 1's in the reversed binary expansion of k, prepending 0, taking first differences, and reversing again. This gives a bijective correspondence between nonnegative integers and integer compositions.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Unimodal Sequence
The sequence together with the corresponding triples begins:
22: (2,1,2) 296: (3,2,4) 1048: (6,1,4)
38: (3,1,2) 304: (3,1,5) 1064: (5,2,4)
44: (2,1,3) 352: (2,1,6) 1072: (5,1,5)
70: (4,1,2) 518: (7,1,2) 1096: (4,3,4)
76: (3,1,3) 524: (6,1,3) 1104: (4,2,5)
88: (2,1,4) 532: (5,2,3) 1120: (4,1,6)
134: (5,1,2) 536: (5,1,4) 1184: (3,2,6)
140: (4,1,3) 552: (4,2,4) 1216: (3,1,7)
148: (3,2,3) 560: (4,1,5) 1408: (2,1,8)
152: (3,1,4) 592: (3,2,5) 2054: (9,1,2)
176: (2,1,5) 608: (3,1,6) 2060: (8,1,3)
262: (6,1,2) 704: (2,1,7) 2068: (7,2,3)
268: (5,1,3) 1030: (8,1,2) 2072: (7,1,4)
276: (4,2,3) 1036: (7,1,3) 2088: (6,2,4)
280: (4,1,4) 1044: (6,2,3) 2096: (6,1,5)
stc[n_]:=Differences[Prepend[Join@@Position[Reverse[IntegerDigits[n, 2]], 1], 0]]//Reverse;
Select[Range[0, 1000], Length[stc[#]]==3&&MatchQ[stc[#], {x_, y_, z_}/; x>y<z]&]
A000212 counts unimodal triples.
A000217(n - 2) counts 3-part compositions.
A001399(n - 3) counts 3-part partitions.
A001399(n - 6) counts 3-part strict partitions.
A001399(n - 6)*2 counts non-unimodal 3-part strict compositions.
A001399(n - 6)*4 counts unimodal 3-part strict compositions.
A001399(n - 6)*6 counts 3-part strict compositions.
A001523 counts unimodal compositions.
A001840 counts non-unimodal triples.
A059204 counts non-unimodal permutations.
A115981 counts non-unimodal compositions.
A328509 counts non-unimodal patterns.
A337459 ranks unimodal triples.
All of the following pertain to compositions in standard order (A066099):
- Length is A000120.
- Triples are A014311.
- Sum is A070939.
- Runs are counted by A124767.
- Strict compositions are A233564.
- Constant compositions are A272919.
- Heinz number is A333219.
- Non-unimodal compositions are A335373.
- Non-co-unimodal compositions are A335374.
- Strict triples are A337453.
Gus Wiseman, Sep 18 2020