If we only joined pairs of the 2(m+n) boundary points, we would get A331454. If we did not extend the lines to the boundary of the grid, we would get A333278. (One of the links below shows the difference between the three definitions in the case m=3, n=2.)
See A333282 for a large number of colored illustrations.
Seppo Mustonen, Statistical accuracy of geometric constructions, 2008.
Seppo Mustonen, Statistical accuracy of geometric constructions, 2008 [Local copy]
Seppo Mustonen, On lines and their intersection points in a rectangular grid of points, 2009
Seppo Mustonen, On lines and their intersection points in a rectangular grid of points, 2009 [Local copy]
Seppo Mustonen, On lines going through a given number of points in a rectangular grid of points, 2010
Seppo Mustonen, On lines going through a given number of points in a rectangular grid of points, 2010 [Local copy]
N. J. A. Sloane, Illustration of T(3,2) = 320. [Black lines correspond to A331454(3,2), black + red lines correspond to A333278(3,2), and black + red + blue lines to T(3,2)]
N. J. A. Sloane, Illustration of T(3,3) = 1028 [Black lines correspond to A288187(3,3), and black + red lines to T(3,3)]
Triangle begins:
28, 92,
80, 320, 1028,
178, 716, 2348, 5512,
372, 1604, 5332, 12676, 28552,
654, 2834, 9404, 22238, 49928, 87540,
1124, 5008, 16696, 39496, 88540, 156504, 279100,
1782, 7874, 26458, 62818, 141386, 251136, 447870, ...
T(7,7) corrected Mar 19 2020
Scott R. Shannon and N. J. A. Sloane, Mar 16 2020
More terms and corrections from Scott R. Shannon, Mar 21 2020