a(n) is the smallest x > 2 to satisfy pi(x-1)/(x-1)^n < pi(x)/x^n, where pi(x) is the prime counting function (A000720).
3, 11, 29, 127, 347, 1087, 3079, 8419, 23531, 64553, 175211, 480881, 1304519, 3523901, 9558533, 25874767, 70115473, 189961193, 514272463, 1394193607, 3779851091, 10246935679, 27788566133, 75370121191, 204475052401, 554805820477, 1505578023841, 4086199302077
The integer 2 satisfies the inequality for all values of n (as pi(1) = 0), so it is omitted. With n=0 the sequence is clearly satisfied by all primes.
Conjecture: a(n) exists for all n, that is, for all n, there exists at least one integer which satisfies the inequality.
Occurs when examining convergence of alternating sum to infinity of (-1^x)* pi(x)/(x^n).
If a(n) exists it is prime. Proof: If a(n) is composite then pi(x - 1) = pi(x), so pi(x-1)/((x-1)^n) > pi(x)/(x^n), a contradiction. - David A. Corneth, Oct 02 2017
From Chai Wah Wu, Apr 24 2018: (Start)
Conjecture above is true.
Theorem: a(n) exists for all n and satisfies prime(floor(e^W(e^n))) < a(n) < prime(ceiling(e^W(e^(n+1)))), where W is Lambert W function.
Proof: for a fixed n, let x = a(n) if it exists. Since x is prime, pi(x-1) = pi(x)-1 and thus the condition is m-1/(x-1)^n < m/x^n, where m = pi(x). This simplifies to 1-1/m < (1-1/x)^n. A result of Dusart in 1999 shows that x > m(log(m log(m))-1) when m > 1. This implies that (1-1/x)^n > (1-1/(m(log(m log(m))-1)))^n >= 1-n/(m(log(m log(m))-1)) where the last inequality is due to Bernoulli's inequality.
Thus (1-1/x)^n > 1-1/m if log(m log(m))-1 >= n which is satisfied if m >= e^W(e^(n+1)).
The lower bound on a(n) follows analogously from the 1941 upper bound on x due to Rosser: x < m log(m log(m)) when m > 5.
For n=3, the first integer which satisfies pi(x-1)/((x-1)^3) < pi(x)/(x^3) is 29 = a(3).
For[j = 1, j < 11, j++, For[i = 2, i < 1000000 i++, If[(PrimePi[i]/(i^j)) - (PrimePi[i-1]/((i-1)^j)) > 0, Print[i] Break[]]]]
(PARI) a(n) = my(x=3); while(primepi(x-1)/(x-1)^n >= primepi(x)/x^n, x++); x; \\ Michel Marcus, Oct 02 2017
(PARI) upto(u)=my(t = 1, n = 1, logt = 0, logtm1, logp, logpm1, res = List()); forprime(p = 3, u, t++; logtm1 = logt; logt = log(t); logp = log(p); logpm1 = log(p - 1); if(logtm1 + n * logp < logt + n*logpm1, listput(res, p); n++)); res \\ David A. Corneth, Oct 02 2017
Sequence in context: A239713 A122023 A259594 * A236467 A328550 A179234
Josh Marza, Sep 27 2017
a(20)-a(28) from Chai Wah Wu, Apr 24 2018