Conjecture: a(n)/n -> 2 + sqrt(2), and 0 < 2 + sqrt(2) - a(n)/n < -1 + sqrt(2) for n >= 1.
From Michel Dekking, Mar 20 2022: (Start)
Proof of (a part of) Kimberling's conjecture. This is based on the formula for the recursion in the FORMULA section of A293077, where we use that the final-letter-removed version of the String-Replace map has the same fixed point A289035.
Let N1(n) be the number of 1's in the n-th iterate theta(n) of the final-letter-removed mapping defined in A289035. It was observed in A293077 that N1(n) = L(n-1)/2, where L(n) = A293077(n) is the length of the n-th iterate theta(n) of the final-letter-removed mapping. As usual, proving a(n)/n -> 2 + sqrt(2) is the same as proving that the frequency of 1's in A293077 is equal to 1/(2 + sqrt(2)) = 1 - sqrt(2)/2 =: mu. Ignoring a proof of the existence of the limit, this means that we have to show that
N1(n) /L(n) -> 1 - sqrt(2)/2 as n->oo.
By the observation above this is the same as proving that
L(n-1)/2L(n) -> 1 - sqrt(2)/2 as n->oo.
We know from A293077 that
L(n) = 2 L(n-1) - L(n-2) + 2 floor(L(n-2)/4).
For the determination of the limit we replace the term 2 floor(L(n-2)/4) by L(n-2)/2, as we may.
So we have L(n) ~ 2 L(n-1) - L(n-2)/2, which leads to
L(n)/2L(n+1) ~ 2 L(n-1)/2L(n+1) - L(n-2)/4L(n+1).
Replacing L(n-1)/L(n+1) by L(n-1)/2L(n)*2L(n)/L(n+1), and similarly for the last term, we obtain an equation for mu as n->oo:
mu = 4mu^2 - 2mu^3.
The solutions to this equation are 0, 1+sqrt(2)/2, and 1-sqrt(2)/2. Since 0<mu<1, it follows that mu = 1 - sqrt(2)/2.
Note: The full conjecture of Kimberling would follow from the conjecture A289035(n) = A171588(n-3) for n>3. (End)
Conjecture: a(n+1) - a(n) = A276864(n) for all n. - Michel Dekking, Mar 20 2022
From Michel Dekking, Mar 22 2022: (Start)
Clark Kimberling, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
z = 10; (* number of iterates *)
s = {0, 0}; w[0] = StringJoin[Map[ToString, s]];
w[n_] := StringReplace[w[n - 1], {"00" -> "0010", "01" -> "010", "10" -> "010"}]
TableForm[Table[w[n], {n, 0, 10}]]
st = ToCharacterCode[w[z]] - 48 (* A289035 *)
Flatten[Position[st, 0]] (* A289036 *)
Flatten[Position[st, 1]] (* A289037 *)
Clark Kimberling, Jun 27 2017