Define the water-capacity of a number as follows: If n has the prime factorization p1^e1*p2^e2*...*pk^ek let ci be a column of height pi^ei and width 1. Juxtaposing the ci leads to a bar graph which figuratively can be filled by water from the top. The water-capacity of a number is the maximum number of cells which can be filled with water.
Aubrey Blecher, Charlotte Brennan, and Arnold Knopfmacher, The water capacity of integer compositions, Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics, Issue 13, 2018, #6.
Guy L. Steele, Four Solutions to a Trivial Problem, Google Tech Talk 12/1/2015.
For example 48300 has the prime factorization 2^2*3*5^2*7*23. The bar graph below has to be rotated counterclockwise for 90 degree.
2^2 ****
3 ***W
5^2 *************************
23 ***********************
48300 is the smallest number which has a water-capacity of 17.
water_capacity := proc(N) option remember; local x, k, n, left, right, wc;
x := [seq(f[1]^f[2], f = op(2, ifactors(N)))]; n := nops(x);
if n = 0 then return 0 fi; left := [seq(0, i=1..n)]; left[1] := x[1];
for k from 2 to n do left[k] := max(left[k-1], x[k]) od;
right := [seq(0, i=1..n)]; right[n] := x[n];
for k from n-1 by -1 to 1 do right[k] := max(right[k+1], x[k]) od;
wc := 0; for k from 1 to n do wc := wc + min(left[k], right[k]) - x[k] od;
wc end:
a := proc(n, search_limit) local j;
for j from 1 to search_limit do if water_capacity(j) = n then return j fi od:
return 0; end: seq(a(n, 50000), n=1..30);
w[k_] := With[{fi = Power @@@ FactorInteger[k]}, (fi //. {a___, b_, c__, d_, e___} /; AllTrue[{c}, # < b && # < d &] :> {a, b, Sequence @@ Table[ Min[b, d], {Length[{c}]}], d, e}) - fi // Total];
a[n_] := For[k = 1, True, k++, If[w[k] == n, Return[k]]];
Array[a, 30] (* Jean-François Alcover, Jul 21 2019 *)
Peter Luschny, Aug 03 2016