With a(1) = 1, a(n) is the sum of all 0 < m < n for which a(m) divides n.
1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 15, 3, 3, 30, 3, 3, 51, 3, 3, 84, 3, 3, 111, 3, 3, 150, 3, 3, 195, 3, 3, 246, 3, 3, 318, 3, 3, 366, 3, 3, 435, 3, 3, 510, 3, 3, 591, 3, 3, 684, 3, 3, 771, 3, 3, 882, 3, 3, 975, 3, 3, 1086, 3, 3, 1218, 3, 3, 1326, 3, 3, 1455
For n > 2, I can prove that a(n) = 3 if 3 does not divide n, and in general, 3 divides a(n).
The base case is a(3) = 3. Suppose that the results hold for a(n) over 3 < n < k; we will show that the results hold for a(k) also. In the case that 3 does not divide k, then a(k) = 3, since a(1) and a(2) divide k but no other previous term can. This proves the first claim.
Otherwise, if 3 does divide k, then a(m) divides k for each 0 < m < k not divisible by 3; these numbers can be divided into k/3 pairs so that the sum of each pair is congruent to 0 modulo 3 (for instance, 1 + 2 == 4 + 5 == 7 + 8 == ... == 0 (mod 3)). If a(m) divides k for some 0 < m < k divisible by 3, this m does not change the congruence class of the sum that forms a(k). Thus, a(k) == 0 (mod 3) as required to prove the second claim.
Chai Wah Wu, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (n = 1..1000 from Alec Jones)
a(1) = 1;
a(2) = 1 because a(1) divides 2;
a(3) = 3 because a(1) and a(2) divide 3: 1+2=3;
a(4) = 3 because a(1) and a(2) divide 4: 1+2=3;
a(5) = 3 because a(1) and a(2) divide 5: 1+2=3;
a(6) = 15 because a(1), a(2), a(3), a(4), and a(5) divide 6: 1+2+3+4+5=15.
a = {1}; Do[AppendTo[a, Total@ Select[Range[n - 1], Divisible[n, a[[#]]] &]], {n, 2, 66}]; a (* Michael De Vlieger, Mar 24 2016 *)
int[] terms = new int[1000];
terms[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if ((i + 1) % terms[j] == 0) {
count = count + (j + 1);
terms[i] = count;
(PARI) lista(nn) = {va = vector(nn); va[1] = 1; for (n=2, nn, va[n] = sum(k=1, n-1, k*((n % va[k])==0)); ); va; } \\ Michel Marcus, Feb 24 2016
def a(n)
seq = [1]
(2..Float::INFINITY).each do |i|
return seq.last[0...n].last if seq.length > n
indices = seq.each_index.select { |j| i % seq[j] == 0 }
seq << indices.map(&:next).reduce(:+)
end # Peter Kagey, Feb 25 2016
a269347 1 = 1
a269347 n = genericIndex a269347_list (n - 1)
a269347_list = map a [1..] where
a n = sum $ filter ((==) 0 . mod n . a269347) [1..n-1]
-- Peter Kagey, Jun 17 2016
from itertools import count, islice
from sympy import divisors
def A269347_gen(): # generator of terms
A268347_dict = {1:1}
yield 1
for n in count(2):
yield (s:=sum(A268347_dict.get(d, 0) for d in divisors(n, generator=True)))
A268347_dict[s] = A268347_dict.get(s, 0) + n
A269347_list = list(islice(A269347_gen(), 40)) # Chai Wah Wu, Nov 17 2022
Cf. A088167 which gives the number of m < n for which a(m) divides n.
Sequence in context: A341211 A335518 A378490 * A183554 A229847 A196529
Alec Jones, Feb 24 2016