Expansion of 1 / ((1 - x^2)^2 * (1 - x^3) * (1 - x^4)) in powers of x.
1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 2, 7, 4, 11, 7, 16, 11, 23, 16, 31, 23, 41, 31, 53, 41, 67, 53, 83, 67, 102, 83, 123, 102, 147, 123, 174, 147, 204, 174, 237, 204, 274, 237, 314, 274, 358, 314, 406, 358, 458, 406, 514, 458, 575, 514, 640, 575, 710, 640, 785, 710, 865, 785, 950
Partitions of n into parts of size 3 and size 4 and two kinds of parts of size 2.
The number of quadruples of integers [x, u, v, w] which satisfy x > u > v > w >=0, n+5 = x+u, u+v >= x+w, and x+u+v+w is even.
Euler transform of length 4 sequence [ 0, 2, 1, 1].
G.f.: 1 / (1 - 2*x^2 - x^3 + 2*x^5 + 2*x^6 - x^8 - 2*x^9 + x^11).
a(n) = -a(-11-n) for all n in Z.
a(n+3) - a(n) = 0 if n even else floor((n+7)^2 / 16).
0 = a(n) - 2*a(n+2) - a(n+3) + 2*a(n+5) + 2*a(n+6) - a(n+8) - 2*a(n+9) + a(n+11) for all n in Z.
a(n) - a(n-2) = A005044(n+3) for all n in Z.
a(n) + a(n-1) = A001400(n) for all n in Z.
a(n) + a(n-2) = A165188(n+1) for all n in Z.
a(n) = A115264(n) - A115264(n-1) for all n in Z.
a(2*n) - a(2*n-6) = a(2*n+3) - a(2*n-3) = A002620(n+2) for all n in Z. - Michael Somos, Feb 11 2015
a(n) = (2*n^3+33*n^2+181*n+234+3*(3*n^2+33*n+86)*(-1)^n+84*(-1)^((2*n+1-(-1)^n)/4)-96*((1+(-1)^n)*floor(((2*n+9+(-1)^n-6*(-1)^((2*n+3+(-1)^n)/4))/24))+(1-(-1)^n)*floor(((2*n+5+(-1)^n-6*(-1)^((2*n-1+(-1)^n)/4))/24))))/576. - Luce ETIENNE, May 22 2015
G.f. = 1 + 2*x^2 + x^3 + 4*x^4 + 2*x^5 + 7*x^6 + 4*x^7 + 11*x^8 + 7*x^9 + ...
a[ n_] := Quotient[ n^3 + If[ OddQ[n], 12 n^2 + 33 n + 54, 21 n^2 + 132 n + 288], 288];
a[ n_] := Module[{s = 1, m = n}, If[ n < 0, s = -1; m = -11 - n]; s SeriesCoefficient[ 1 / ((1 - x^2)^2 (1 - x^3) (1 - x^4)), {x, 0, m}]];
a[ n_] := Length @ FindInstance[ {x > u, u > v, v > w, w >= 0, x + u == n + 5, u + v >= x + w, x + u + v + w == 2 k}, {x, u, v, w, k}, Integers, 10^9];
CoefficientList[Series[1 / (1 - 2 x^2 - x^3 + 2 x^5 + 2 x^6 - x^8 - 2 x^9 + x^11), {x, 0, 60}], x] (* Vincenzo Librandi, Feb 03 2015 *)
(PARI) {a(n) = (n^3 + if(n%2, 12*n^2 + 33*n + 54, 21*n^2 + 132*n + 288)) \ 288};
(PARI) {a(n) = my(s=1); if( n<0, s=-1; n=-11-n); s * polcoeff( 1 / ((1 - x^2)^2 * (1 - x^3) * (1 - x^4)) + x * O(x^n), n)};
(Magma) I:=[1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 2, 7, 4, 11, 7, 16]; [n le 11 select I[n] else 2*Self(n-2)+Self(n-3)-2*Self(n-5)-2*Self(n-6)+Self(n-8)+2*Self(n-9)-Self(n-11): n in [1..60]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Feb 03 2015
Michael Somos, Feb 02 2015