Array: row n gives the NW partitions of n; see Comments.
1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 1, 5, 4, 1, 6, 5, 1, 4, 2, 7, 6, 1, 5, 2, 8, 7, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 9, 8, 1, 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 3, 1, 10, 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 6, 3, 1, 11, 10, 1, 9, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 7, 3, 1, 6, 4, 1, 12, 11, 1, 10, 2, 9, 3, 8, 4, 8, 3, 1, 7, 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 4, 2, 13
Suppose that p is a partition of n, and let m = max{greatest part of p, number of parts of p}. Write the Ferrers graph of p with 1's as nodes, and pad the graph with 0's to form an m X m square matrix, which is introduced here as the Ferrers matrix of p, denoted by f(p). Four kinds of partitions are defined from f(p); they will be described by referring to the example of a 3 X 3 matrix, as follows:
a .. b .. c
d .. e .. f
g .. h .. i
Writing summands in clockwise order, the four directional partitions of p are by
NW(p) = [g + d + a + b + c, h + e + f, i]
NE(p) = [a + b + c + f + i, d + e + h, g]
SE(p) = [c + f + i + h + g, b + e + d, a]
SW(p) = [i + h + g + d + a, f + e + b, c].
The order in which the parts appear does not change the partition, but it is common to list them in nondecreasing order, as in Example 1.
Note that "Ferrers matrix" can be defined without reference to Ferrers graphs, as follows: an m X m matrix (x(i,j)) of 0's and 1's satisfying three properties: (1) x(1,m) = 1 or x(m,1) = 1; (2) x(i,j+1) >= x(i,j) for j=1..m-1 and i = 1..m; and (3) x(i+1,j) >= x(i,j) for i=1..m-1 and j=1..m. The number of Ferrers matrices of order m is given by A051924.
The number of NW partitions of n is A003114(n) for n >=1. - Clark Kimberling, Mar 20 2014
Tewodros Amdeberhan, George E. Andrews, and Cristina Ballantine, Hook length and symplectic content in partitions, arXiv:2205.07322 [math.CO], 2022.
Clark Kimberling and Peter J. C. Moses, Ferrers Matrices and Related Partitions of Integers
Example 1. Let p = {6,3,3,3,1), a partition of 16. Then NW(p) = [10, 4, 2], NE(p) = [6,3,3,3,1], SE(p) = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1], SW(p) = [5,4,4,1,1,1].
Example 2.
The first 9 rows of the array of NW partitions:
4 .. 3 .. 1
5 .. 4 .. 1
6 .. 5 .. 1 .. 4 .. 2
7 .. 6 .. 1 .. 5 .. 2
8 .. 7 .. 1 .. 6 .. 2 .. 5 .. 3
9 .. 8 .. 1 .. 7 .. 2 .. 6 .. 3 .. 5 .. 3 .. 1
Row 9, for example, represents the 5 NW partitions of 9 as follows: [9], [8,1], [7,2], [6,3], [5,3,1], listed in "Mathematica order".
z = 10; ferrersMatrix[list_] := PadRight[Map[Table[1, {#}] &, #], {#, #} &[Max[#, Length[#]]]] &[list]; cornerPart[list_] := Module[{f = ferrersMatrix[list], u, l, ur, lr, nw, ne, se, sw}, {u, l} = {UpperTriangularize[#, 1], LowerTriangularize[#]} &[f]; {ur, lr} = {UpperTriangularize[#, 1], LowerTriangularize[#]} &[Reverse[f]]; {nw, ne, se, sw} =
{Total[Transpose[u]] + Total[l], Total[ur] + Total[Transpose[lr]], Total[u] + Total[Transpose[l]], Total[Transpose[ur]] + Total[lr]}; Map[DeleteCases[Reverse[Sort[#]], 0] &, {nw, ne, se, sw}]]; cornerParts[n_] :=
Map[#[[Reverse[Ordering[PadRight[#]]]]] &, Map[DeleteDuplicates[#] &, Transpose[Map[cornerPart, IntegerPartitions[n]]]]]; cP = Map[cornerParts, Range[z]];
Flatten[Map[cP[[#, 1]] &, Range[Length[cP]]]](*NW corner: A237981*)
Flatten[Map[cP[[#, 2]] &, Range[Length[cP]]]](*NE corner: A237982*)
Flatten[Map[cP[[#, 3]] &, Range[Length[cP]]]](*SE corner: A237983*)
Flatten[Map[cP[[#, 4]] &, Range[Length[cP]]]](*SW corner: A237982*)
(* Peter J. C. Moses, Feb 25 2014 *)