Exponent of the group of the Gaussian integers in a reduced system modulo n.
1, 2, 8, 4, 4, 8, 48, 4, 24, 4, 120, 8, 12, 48, 8, 8, 16, 24, 360, 4, 48, 120, 528, 8, 20, 12, 72, 48, 28, 8, 960, 16, 120, 16, 48, 24, 36, 360, 24, 4, 40, 48, 1848, 120, 24, 528, 2208, 8, 336, 20, 16, 12, 52, 72, 120, 48, 360, 28, 3480, 8, 60, 960, 48, 32
a(n) is the exponent of the multiplicative group of Gaussian integers modulo n, i.e., (Z[i]/nZ[i])* = {a + b*i: a, b in Z/nZ and gcd(a^2 + b^2, n) = 1}. The number of elements in (Z[i]/nZ[i])* is A079458(n).
For n > 2, a(n) is divisible by 4. - Jianing Song, Aug 29 2018
From Jianing Song, Sep 23 2018: (Start)
Equivalent of psi (A002322) in the ring of Gaussian integers.
a(n) is the smallest positive e such that for any Gaussian integer z coprime to n we have z^e == 1 (mod n).
By definition, A079458(n)/a(n) is always an integer, and is 1 iff (Z[i]/nZ[i])* is cyclic, that is, rank((Z[i]/nZ[i])*) = A316506(n) = 0 or 1, and n has a primitive root in (Z[i]/nZ[i])*. A079458(n)/a(n) = 1 iff n = 1, 2 or a prime congruent to 3 modulo 4. (End)
a(2^e) = 2^e if e <= 2 and 2^(e-1) if e >= 3, a(p^e) = (p - 1)*p^(e-1) if p == 1 (mod 4) and (p^2 - 1)*p^(e-1) if p == 3 (mod 4). If gcd(m, n) = 1 then a(mn) = lcm(a(m), a(n)). - Jianing Song, Aug 29 2018 [See the group structure of (Z[i]/(pi^e)Z[i])* in A316506, where pi is a prime element in Z[i]. - Jianing Song, Oct 03 2022]
Let G = (Z[i]/4Z[i])* = {i, 3i, 1, 1 + 2i, 2 + i, 2 + 3i, 3, 3 + 2i}. The possibilities for the exponent of G are 8, 4, 2 and 1. G^4 = {x^4 mod 4 : x belongs to G} = {1} and i^2 !== 1 (mod 4). Therefore, the exponent of G is greater than 2, accordingly the exponent of G is 4 and a(4) = 4.
fa = FactorInteger; lamas[1] = 1; lamas[p_, s_]:= Which[Mod[p, 4]==3, p^(s-1)(p^2 - 1), Mod[p, 4] == 1, p^(s - 1)(p - 1), s ≥ 4, 2^(s - 1), s > 1, 4, s == 1, 2]; lamas[n_] := {aux = 1; Do[aux = LCM[aux, lamas[fa[n][[i, 1]], fa[n][[i, 2]]]], {i, 1, Length@fa[n]}]; aux}[[1]]; Table[lamas[n], {n, 100}]
(PARI) a(n)=
my(r=1, f=factor(n));
for(j=1, #f[, 1], my(p=f[j, 1], e=f[j, 2]);
if(p==2&&e<=2, r=lcm(r, 2^e));
if(p==2&&e>=3, r=lcm(r, 2^(e-1)));
if(p%4==1, r=lcm(r, (p-1)*p^(e-1)));
if(p%4==3, r=lcm(r, (p^2-1)*p^(e-1)));
} \\ Jianing Song, Aug 29 2018
Equivalent of arithmetic functions in the ring of Gaussian integers (the corresponding functions in the ring of integers are in the parentheses): A062327 ("d", A000005), A317797 ("sigma", A000203), A079458 ("phi", A000010), this sequence ("psi", A002322), A086275 ("omega", A001221), A078458 ("Omega", A001222), A318608 ("mu", A008683).
Equivalent in the ring of Eisenstein integers: A319446.
Sequence in context: A086311 A194940 A195920 * A105351 A178592 A348683