The sequence is well-defined in that for each n the set of numbers with n nonprime substrings is not empty. Proof: Define m(n):=2*sum_{j=i..k} 5^j, where k:=floor((sqrt(8*n+1)-1)/2), i:= n-A000217(k). For n=0,1,2,3,... the m(n) in base-5 representation are 2, 22, 20, 222, 220, 200, 2222, 2220, 2200, 2000, 22222, 22220, .... m(n) has k+1 digits and (k-i+1) 2’s, thus, the number of nonprime substrings of m(n) is ((k+1)*(k+2)/2)-k-1+i = (k*(k+1)/2)+i = n, which proves the statement.
If p is a number with k prime substrings and d digits (in base-5 representation), p != 1 (mod 5), m>=d, than b := p*5^(m-d) has m*(m+1)/2 - k nonprime substrings, and a(A000217(n)-k) <= b.
Hieronymus Fischer, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..351
a(n) >= 5^floor((sqrt(8*n-7)-1)/2) for n>0, equality holds if n=1 or n+1 is a triangular number (cf. A000217).
a(A000217(n)-1) = 5^(n-1), n>1.
a(A000217(n)) = floor(34 * 5^(n-3)), n>0.
a(A000217(n)) = 114000...000_5 (with n digits), n>0.
a(A000217(n)-k) >= 5^(n-1) + k-1, 1<=k<=n, n>1.
a(A000217(n)-k) = 5^(n-1) + p, where p is the minimal number >= 0 such that 5^(n-1) + p, has k prime substrings in base-5 representation, 1<=k<=n, n>1.
a(0) = 2, since 2 = 2_5 is the least number with zero nonprime substrings in base-4 representation.
a(1) = 1, since 1 = 1_5 is the least number with 1 nonprime substring in base-5 representation.
a(2) = 5, since 5 = 10_5 is the least number with 2 nonprime substrings in base-5 representation (0 and 1).
a(3) = 6, since 6 = 11_5 is the least number with 3 nonprime substrings in base-5 representation (2-times 1 and 11).
a(4) = 27, since 27 = 102_5 is the least number with 4 nonprime substrings in base-5 representation, these are 0, 1, 02, and 102 (remember, that substrings with leading zeros are considered to be nonprime).
a(6) = 34, since 34 = 114_5 is the least number with 6 nonprime substrings in base-5 representation, these are 1, 1, 4, 11, 14, and 114.
Hieronymus Fischer, Dec 12 2012