Alternatively, if one iteratively removes the largest part z(1) and adds 1 to the next z(1) parts to get a new partition until a partition recurs, one gets the same maximum number of steps to reach a period.
The two shuffling operations are isomorphic for unordered partitions.
The two operations have the same length and number of periods for ordered and unordered partitions.
The steps count the operations including any pre-periodic part up to the end of first period, that is, the number of distinct partitions without including the first return.
R. Baumann LOG IN, 4 (1987)
Halder, Heise Einführung in Kombinatorik, Hanser Verlag (1976) 75 ff.
Ethan Akin, Morton Davis, Bulgarian solitaire, Am. Math. Monthly 92 (4) (1985) 237-250
J. Brandt, Cycles of partitions, Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 85 (3) (1982) 483-486
a((k^2+k-2)/2-j) = k^2-k-2-(k+1)*j with 0<=j<=(k-4)/2 and 4<=k.
a((k^2+k+2)/2+j) = k^2-k-k*j with 0<=j<=(k-4)/2 and 4<=k,
a((k^2+2*k-(k mod 2))/2+j) = (k^2+2*k-(k mod 2))/2+j with 0 <= j <= 1 and 2 <= k.
a(T(k)) = 2*T(k-1) = k^2-k with 1 <= k for the triangular numbers T(k)=A000217(k).
For k=6 and 0 <= j <= 1:
a(19)=21; a(20)=28; a(21)=30; a(22)=30; a(23)=24; a(24)=24; a(25)=25.
For n=4: (1+1+1+1)->(4)->(3+1)->(2+2)->(2+1+1)--> a(4)=4.
For n=5: (1+1+1+1+1)->(5)->(4+1)->(3+2)->(2+2+1)->(3+1+1)-->a(5)=5.
A188160 := proc(n)
local k, j, T ;
if n <= 2 then
return n-1 ;
end if;
for k from 0 do
T := k*(k+1) /2 ;
if n = T and k >= 1 then
return k*(k-1) ;
end if;
if k>=4 then
j := T-1-n ;
if j>= 0 and j <= (k-4)/2 then
return k^2-k-2-(k+1)*j ;
end if;
j := n-T-1 ;
if j>= 0 and j <= (k-4)/2 then
return k^2-k-k*j ;
end if;
end if;
if k >= 2 then
j := n-(k^2+2*k-(k mod 2))/2 ;
if j>=0 and j <= 1 then
return (k^2+2*k-(k mod 2))/2+j
end if;
end if;
end do:
return -1 ;
end proc: # R. J. Mathar, Apr 22 2011
Paul Weisenhorn, Mar 28 2011