In the Collatz Problem A014682, it is possible to apply the algorithm to first degree polynomials like 2^n*x+b, where n is an integer and 0 <= b < 2^n. The iteration terminates by two cases:
1) a*x+b where a < 2^n: the polynomial is "minimized"
2) a*x+b where a is odd and a > 2^n, parity cannot be found. The polynomial cannot be minimized.
The sequence counts how many first degree polynomials end like first case for each n > 0.
The interest of this sequence is that every number that can be described by a minimized polynomial cannot be the smallest element of a set of value of T(n) = infinity.
a(n) = 2^n - A076227(n) for n >= 2. - Ruud H.G. van Tol, Mar 13 2023
For n not in A020914, a(n) = 2*a(n-1). - Ruud H.G. van Tol, Apr 12 2023
Example with 4x+b (0 <= b < 4):
4x is even, thus gives 2x, 2 < 4 (first case).
4x+1, is odd thus 3(4x+1)+1 = 12x+4 is even, thus (12x+4)/2/2=3x+1 3 < 4, first case.
4x+2 is even, (4x+2)/2=2x+1, 2 < 4, first case.
4x+3 with same way gives 9x+8. 9 is odd and 9 > 4, second case.
That explains why the second (n=2) term in sequence is 3.
a[n_] := Module[{b, p0, p1, minimized = 0}, For[b = 1, b <= 2^n, b++, {p0, p1} = {b, 2^n}; While[Mod[p1, 2] == 0 && p1 >= 2^n, {p0, p1} = If[Mod[p0, 2] == 0, {p0/2, p1/2}, {3*p0+1, 3*p1}]; If[p1<2^n, minimized += 1]]]; minimized]; Table[Print[an = a[n]]; an, {n, 1, 40}] (* Jean-François Alcover, Feb 12 2014, translated from D. S. McNeil's Sage code *)
def A182137(n):
minimized = 0
for b in range(2**n):
p = [b, 2**n]
while p[1] % 2 == 0 and p[1] >= 2**n:
p[0], p[1] = [p[0]/2, p[1]/2] if p[0] % 2 == 0 else [3*p[0]+1, 3*p[1]]
if p[1] < 2**n: minimized += 1
return minimized # D. S. McNeil, Apr 14 2012
(PARI) upto(P=18)= my(r=Vec([1, 1], P)); forstep(x=3, 2^P, 4, my(s=x, p=0); until(s<=x, s= if(s%2, 3*s+1, s)/2; if(p++ > P, next(2))); if((2^p>x), r[p]++)); for(i=2, #r, r[i]+= 2*r[i-1]); print(r); \\ Ruud H.G. van Tol, Mar 13 2023
Jérôme STORTI, Apr 14 2012
More terms from D. S. McNeil, Apr 14 2012
a(31) from Jérôme STORTI, Apr 22 2012
a(32)-a(38) from Jérôme STORTI, Jul 21 2012
a(39) from Jérôme STORTI, Jul 26 2012
a(40) from Jérôme STORTI, Feb 08 2014
a(37) and a(39) corrected by Jérôme STORTI, Dec 29 2021