
Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.

Numbers with digitsum 13, in increasing order.
49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 139, 148, 157, 166, 175, 184, 193, 229, 238, 247, 256, 265, 274, 283, 292, 319, 328, 337, 346, 355, 364, 373, 382, 391, 409, 418, 427, 436, 445, 454, 463, 472, 481, 490, 508, 517, 526, 535, 544, 553, 562, 571, 580, 607, 616, 625, 634, 643, 652
If 13 is considered as an 'unlucky' number: the 'unlucky years'.
A007953(a(n)) = 13; number of repdigits = A242627(13) = 1. - Reinhard Zumkeller, Jul 17 2014
The Guardian Weekly, July 25-31, 2008, p.39 puzzles 5., p31.
Wolfdieter Lang, a(n) up to 3000
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Triskaidekaphobia
digitsum(a(n))=13, ordered increasingly.
2029 is the next 'unlucky year'. Solution to the guardian weekly puzzle.
a(10^ 1) = 166
a(10^ 2) = 1309
a(10^ 3) = 21370
a(10^ 4) = 1100254
a(10^ 5) = 111032122
a(10^ 6) = 30611101000
a(10^ 7) = 40100300100301
a(10^ 8) = 200011001012211010
a(10^ 9) = 10001220000100012002100
a(10^10) = 1100000001010021010000000230 - David A. Corneth, Jan 31 2015
f[n_] := Rest@ Select[Range@ n, NestWhile[Plus @@ IntegerDigits[#] &, #, # > 14 &] == 13 &]; f@ 652 (* Michael De Vlieger, Feb 03 2015 *)
Select[Range[700], Total[IntegerDigits[#]]==13&] (* Harvey P. Dale, Oct 11 2017 *)
a143164 n = a143164_list !! (n-1)
a143164_list = filter ((== 13) . a007953) [0..]
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Jul 17 2014
\\This algorithm needs a modified binomial.
C(n, k)=if(n>=k, binomial(n, k), 0)
\\ways to roll s-q with q dice having sides 0 through n - 1.
b(s, q, n)=if(s<=q*(n-1), s+=q; sum(i=0, q-1, (-1)^i*C(q, i)*C(s-1-n*i, q-1)), 0)
\\main algorithm
a(n) = {my(q); q = 2; while(b(13, q, 10) < n, q++); q--; s = 13; os = 13; r=0; while(q, if(b(s, q, 10) < n, n-=b(s, q, 10); s--, r+=(os-s)*10^(q); os = s; q--)); r+= s; r}
inv(n)={r = 1; v=digits(n); l=v[#v]; forstep(i = #v-1, 1, -1, for(j=1, v[i], r+=b(l+j, #v-i, 10)); l+=v[i]); r} \\ David A. Corneth, Jan 31 2015
(PARI) transform(n, b)=my(d=digits(n), nd=#d, v=vector(b, i, [i\10, b-(b+1-i)\10]), k); v[b][2]=d[1]; v
list(lim)=my(v=List(), d=transform(lim\=1, 13)); forvec(u=transform(lim\1, 13), if(u[4]<u[10] || (u[1]<u[10] && u[2]<u[11] && u[3]<u[12] && u[4]<u[13]), my(s=sum(i=1, 13, 10^u[i])); if(s<=lim, listput(v, s))), 1); Set(v) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, May 30 2019
Cf. A011557 (1), A052216 (2), A052217 (3), A052218 (4), A052219 (5), A052220 (6), A052221 (7), A052222 (8), A052223 (9), A052224 (10), A166311 (11), A235151 (12), A235225(14), A235226 (15), A235227 (16), A166370 (17), A235228 (18), A166459 (19), A235229 (20).
Sequence in context: A028915 A345114 A090063 * A304950 A316618 A039472
Wolfdieter Lang, Sep 15 2008