Prime numbers n such that n = p1^3 + p2^3 + p3^3, a sum of cubes of 3 distinct prime numbers.
1483, 5381, 6271, 7229, 9181, 11897, 13103, 13841, 14489, 17107, 20357, 25747, 26711, 27917, 30161, 30259, 31247, 32579, 36161, 36583, 36677, 36899, 36901, 42083, 48817, 54181, 55511, 55691, 56377, 56897, 57637, 59093, 64151, 66347
Numbers n may have multiple decompositions; for example, n=185527 and n=451837 have two, and n=8627527 and n=32816503 have three. The smallest n with more than one decomposition is n = 185527 = 13^3+43^3+47^3 = 19^3+31^3+53^3, the 94th in the sequence. - R. J. Mathar, May 01 2008
Primes in A138853 and A138854. - M. F. Hasler, Apr 13 2008
The least prime, p, which has n decompositions {with its primes} is 1483 = {3, 5, 11}; 185527 = {13, 43, 47} & {19, 31, 53}; 8627527 = {19, 151, 173}, {33, 139, 181} & 71, 73, 199} and 1122871751 = {113, 751, 887}, {131, 701, 919}, {151, 659, 941} & {29, 107, 1039}. - Robert G. Wilson v, May 04 2008
The number of terms < 10^n: 0, 0, 0, 5, 56, 327, 2172, 13417, 86264, 567211, ..., . - Robert G. Wilson v, May 04 2008
The number of decompositions < 10^n: 0, 0, 0, 5, 56, 330, 2201, 13609, 87200, 571770, ..., . - Robert G. Wilson v, May 04 2008
Robert G. Wilson v, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..13418 (duplicates omitted)
Robert G. Wilson v, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..13610 (duplicates included)
A137365 = A000040 intersect A138853 = A000040 intersect A138854. - M. F. Hasler, Apr 13 2008
1483=3^3+5^3+11^3, 5381=17^3+7^3+5^3, 6271=3^3+11^3+17^3, etc.
# From R. J. Mathar: (Start)
isA030078 := proc(n) local cbr; cbr := floor(root[3](n)) ; if cbr^3 = n and isprime(cbr) then true ; else false; fi ; end:
isA137365 := proc(n) local p1, p2, p3, p3cub ; if isprime(n) then p1 := 2 ; while p1^3 <= n-16 do p2 := nextprime(p1) ; while p1^3+p2^3 <= n-8 do p3cub := n-p1^3-p2^3 ; if p3cub> p2^3 and isA030078(p3cub) then RETURN(true) ; fi ; p2 := nextprime(p2) ; od: p1 := nextprime(p1) ; od; RETURN(false) ; else RETURN(false) ; fi ; end:
for i from 1 do if isA137365( ithprime(i)) then printf("%d\n", ithprime(i)) ; fi ; od:
# (End)
Array[r, 99]; Array[y, 99]; For[i = 0, i < 10^2, r[i] = y[i] = 0; i++ ]; z = 4^2; n = 0; For[i1 = 1, i1 < z, a = Prime[i1]; a2 = a^3; For[i2 = i1 + 1, i2 < z, b = Prime[i2]; b2 = b^3; For[i3 = i2 + 1, i3 < z, c = Prime[i3]; c2 = c^3; p = a2 + b2 + c2; If[PrimeQ[p], Print[a2, " + ", b2, " + ", c2, " = ", p]; n++; r[n] = p]; i3++ ]; i2++ ]; i1++ ]; Sort[Array[r, 88]] (* Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky *)
lst = {}; Do[p = Prime[q]^3 + Prime[r]^3 + Prime[s]^3; If[PrimeQ@ p, AppendTo[lst, p]], {q, 13}, {r, q - 1}, {s, r - 1}]; Take[Sort@ lst, 36] (* Robert G. Wilson v, Apr 13 2008 *)
nn=20; lim=Prime[nn]^3+3^3+5^3; Union[Select[Total[#^3]& /@ Subsets[Prime[Range[2, nn]], {3}], #<lim && PrimeQ[#]&]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jan 15 2011 *)
(PARI) c=0; forprime(p=1, 10^6, isA138853(p) & write("b137365.txt", c++, " ", p)) \\ M. F. Hasler, Apr 13 2008
Cf. A137366.
Cf. A024975 (a^3+b^3+c^3, a>b>c>0), A122723 (primes in A024975), A138853-A138854.
Sequence in context: A238253 A035864 A255087 * A137366 A045008 A327880
Corrected and extended by Zak Seidov, R. J. Mathar and Robert G. Wilson v, Apr 12 2008
Further edits by R. J. Mathar and N. J. A. Sloane, Jun 07 2008