Least number dividing Fibonacci(n) but not dividing Fibonacci(m) for m < n, or 0 if there is no such number.
1, 0, 2, 3, 5, 4, 13, 7, 17, 11, 89, 6, 233, 29, 10, 47, 1597, 19, 37, 15, 26, 199, 28657, 14, 25, 521, 53, 39, 514229, 20, 557, 2207, 178, 3571, 65, 27, 73, 9349, 466, 35, 2789, 52, 433494437, 43, 85, 139, 2971215073, 64, 97, 101, 3194, 699, 953, 212, 445, 49, 74, 59
First occurrence of n in A001177 or 0 if impossible.
Conjecture: only a(2)=0. I have not found values of a(n) < 2*106 less than 100 for n = 43, 47, 74, 82, 83 & 94.
When Fibonacci(n) is a prime number, then a(n)=Fibonacci(n). Note that a(n)=0 for n=2 because Fibonacci(1)=Fibonacci(2)=1. For n > 2, an upper bound for a(n) is Fibonacci(n). The difficulty in computing this sequence for large n is the factorization of Fibonacci(n), which is required to find the divisors of Fibonacci(n). - T. D. Noe, Jan 12 2009
In other words, the conjecture is true. For n > 2, Fibonacci(n) has at least one divisor that does not divide Fibonacci(k) for k < n. The number of such divisors is A120256(n).
Alfred S. Posamentier & Ingmar Lehmann, The (Fabulous) Fibonacci Numbers, Afterword by Herbert A. Hauptman, 2. 'The Minor Modulus m(n)', Prometheus Books, NY, 2007, pp. 329-342.
f[n_] := Block[{k = 1}, While[Mod[Fibonacci@k, n] != 0 && k < 101, k++ ]; k]; t = Table[0, {100}]; Do[ a = f@n; If[a < 101 && t[[a]] == 0, t[[a]] = n; Print[{a, n}]], {n, 106}]
nn=100; fib=Fibonacci[Range[nn]]; Join[{1, 0}, Table[dvrs=Rest[Divisors[fib[[n]]]]; k=1; While[d=dvrs[[k]]; pos=Position[fib, _?(Mod[ #, d]==0&), 1, 1]; pos!={{n}}, k++ ]; d, {n, 3, nn}]] (* T. D. Noe, Jan 12 2009 *)
Cf. A060442. - T. D. Noe, Jan 12 2009
Sequence in context: A101409 A271862 A309373 * A061446 A280690 A240000
Herbert A. Hauptman (hauptman(AT)hwi.buffalo.edu) & Robert G. Wilson v, Jul 07 2007
Extended by T. D. Noe, Jan 12 2009