
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Series expansion of (-3 - 2*x)/(1 + x - x^3) in powers of x.
-3, 1, -1, -2, 3, -4, 2, 1, -5, 7, -6, 1, 6, -12, 13, -7, -5, 18, -25, 20, -2, -23, 43, -45, 22, 21, -66, 88, -67, 1, 87, -154, 155, -68, -86, 241, -309, 223, 18, -327, 550, -532, 205, 345, -877, 1082, -737, -140, 1222, -1959, 1819, -597, -1362
This sequence is -A001608(-n), the Perrin sequence for negative n. - T. D. Noe, Oct 10 2006
Similar to the Perrin sequence A001608, I conjecture that if p is a prime then a(p) == 1 (mod p). This implies that A001945(n) == 1 (mod p) and A001608(2*n) == 2 (mod p). - Michael Somos, Dec 25 2022
Robert Dougherty-Bliss, The Meta-C-finite Ansatz, arXiv:2206.14852 [math.CO], 2022. See page 7.
Robert Dougherty-Bliss, Experimental Methods in Number Theory and Combinatorics, Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers Univ. (2024). See pp. 56, 58.
Yüksel Soykan, Summing Formulas For Generalized Tribonacci Numbers, arXiv:1910.03490 [math.GM], 2019.
a(n) = a(n-3) - a(n-1) with a(0)=-3, a(1)=1, a(2)=-1.
a(n) = A001945(n) - A001608(n).
a(n) ~ 2*real(r^n) with r = 0.87743... + 0.7448617...*i one inverse complex root of x^3 - x - 1 = 0 (A210462, A210463).
2*a(n) = A001608(2*n) - A001608(n)^2 follows from the Binet formula for a(n) = -p^(-n) - r^(-n) - s^(-n), where p, r, s are roots of the Perrin polynomial x^3 - x - 1. - Roman Witula, Jan 31 2013
G.f.: (2*x + 3)/(x^3 - x - 1). - Vincenzo Librandi, May 17 2013
G.f. = -3 + x - x^2 - 2*x^3 + 3*x^4 - 4*x^5 + 2*x^6 + x^7 - 5*x^8 + 7*x^9 + ...
CoefficientList[Series[(2x + 3)/(x^3 - x - 1), {x, 0, 60}], x] (* Harvey P. Dale, Mar 18 2012 *)
LinearRecurrence[{-1, 0, 1}, {-3, 1, -1}, 60] (* Harvey P. Dale, Mar 18 2012 *)
a[n_] := If[n < 0, SeriesCoefficient[(-3 + x^2)/(1 - x^2 - x^3), {x, 0, -n}], SeriesCoefficient[(-3 - 2 x)/(1 + x - x^3), {x, 0, n}]]; (* Michael Somos, Oct 15 2017 *)
Table[RootSum[-1 - # + #^3 &, #^(-n) &], {n, 0, 20}] (* Eric W. Weisstein, Jun 27 2018 *)
RootSum[-1 - # + #^3 &, #^-Range[0, 20] &] (* Eric W. Weisstein, Jun 27 2018 *)
(PARI) Vec((2*x+3)/(x^3-x-1)+O(x^99)) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Sep 26 2012
(PARI) {a(n) = if( n<0, polcoeff( (-3 + x^2) / (1 - x^2 - x^3) + x * O(x^-n), -n), polcoeff( (-3 - 2*x) / (1 + x - x^3) + x * O(x^n), n))}; /* Michael Somos, Oct 15 2017 */
(Magma) I:=[-3, 1, -1]; [n le 3 select I[n] else -Self(n-1)+Self(n-3): n in [1..60]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, May 17 2013
Ralf Stephan, Dec 19 2002
Deleted certain dangerous or potentially dangerous links. - N. J. A. Sloane, Jan 30 2021