Triangle formed when cumulative boustrophedon transform is applied to 1, 0, 0, 0, ..., read by rows in natural order.
1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 5, 8, 0, 8, 21, 36, 51, 0, 51, 138, 246, 362, 478, 0, 478, 1318, 2404, 3628, 4903, 6178, 0, 6178, 17259, 31968, 49081, 67512, 86421, 105330, 0, 105330, 297081, 556344, 864688, 1205000, 1562571, 1926320, 2290069
From Petros Hadjicostas, Feb 16 2021: (Start)
T(i,j) = T(i,j-1) + Sum_{r=1..j} T(i-1,i-r) for i >= 1 and 1 <= j <= i with T(i,0) = b(i+1) for i >= 0, where b(1) = 1 and b(i) = 0 for i >= 2. (The sequence b = (b(i): i >= 1) is the input sequence.)
T(i,j) = 2*T(i,j-1) - T(i,j-2) + T(i-1,i-j) for i >= 2 and 2 <= j <= i.
T(i,i) = A059429(i) = T(i+1,1) for i >= 0. (End)
Triangle T(i,j) (with rows i >= 0 and columns j = 0..i) begins:
0, 1;
0, 1, 2;
0, 2, 5, 8;
0, 8, 21, 36, 51;
0, 51, 138, 246, 362, 478;
0, 478, 1318, 2404, 3628, 4903, 6178;
0, 6178, 17259, 31968, 49081, 67512, 86421, 105330;
... - Petros Hadjicostas, Feb 16 2021
# This is a modification of N. J. A. Sloane's program from A059429:
CBOUS2 := proc(a) local c, i, j, n, r: option remember: if whattype(a) <> list then RETURN([]): end if: n := min(nops(a), 60): for i from 0 to n - 1 do c[i, 0] := a[i + 1]: end do: for i to n - 1 do for j to i do c[i, j] := c[i, j - 1] + add(c[i - 1, i - r], r = 1 .. j): end do: end do: RETURN([seq(seq(c[i, j], j = 0 .. i), i = 0 .. n - 1)]): end proc:
# To get the flattened triangle up to the 9th row, we type
CBOUS2([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); # Petros Hadjicostas, Feb 16 2021
Sequence in context: A011297 A110282 A024308 * A256488 A175631 A243816
N. J. A. Sloane, Jan 31 2001