Number of symmetrically inequivalent coincidence rotations of index n in lattice Z^4.
1, 2, 16, 0, 36, 32, 64, 0, 168, 72, 144, 0, 196, 128, 576, 0, 324, 336, 400, 0, 1024, 288, 576, 0, 960, 392, 1584, 0, 900, 1152, 1024, 0, 2304, 648, 2304, 0, 1444, 800, 3136, 0, 1764, 2048, 1936, 0, 6048, 1152, 2304, 0, 3248, 1920, 5184, 0, 2916, 3168, 5184, 0
Dirichlet product of 1 + 2/2^s with Sum_{n>=1} A031360(n)/(2n-1)^s. - R. J. Mathar, Jul 16 2010
Some symmetrically distinct rotations generate the same coincidence site lattices, hence a(n) >= A331140(n). - Andrey Zabolotskiy, Jan 29 2020
Michael Baake and Peter Zeiner, Coincidences in 4 dimensions, Phil. Mag. 88 (2008), 2025-2032; arXiv: preprint, 0712.0363 [math.MG], 2007.
M. Baake, "Solution of coincidence problem in dimensions d<=4", in R. V. Moody, ed., Math. of Long-Range Aperiodic Order, Kluwer 1997, pp. 9-44. arXiv:math/0605222 [math.MG], 2006.
Dirichlet series: (1+2^(1-s))* Product (1+p^(-s))*(1+p^(1-s))/((1-p^(1-s))*(1-p^(2-s))); p != 2.
read("transforms") : maxOrd := 120 :
ZetaNum := proc(p, nmax, f) local n ; L := [1, seq(0, n=2..p-1), f, seq(0, n=p+1..nmax)] ; end proc:
Zeta := proc(p, nmax, f) local L, e; L := [1, seq(0, n=2..nmax)] ; for e from 1 do if p^e > nmax then break; else L := subsop(p^e=f^e, L) ; end if; end do: L ; end proc:
Zetap := ZetaNum(2, maxOrd, 2): for e from 3 to maxOrd do if isprime(e) then ZetaNum(e, maxOrd, 1) ; Zetap := DIRICHLET(Zetap, %) ; ZetaNum(e, maxOrd, e) ; Zetap := DIRICHLET(Zetap, %) ; Zeta(e, maxOrd, e) ; Zetap := DIRICHLET(Zetap, %) ; Zeta(e, maxOrd, e^2) ; Zetap := DIRICHLET(Zetap, %) ; end if; end do: Zetap ;
# R. J. Mathar, Jul 16 2010
maxOrd = 120;
did[m_, n_] := If[Mod[m, n] == 0, 1, 0];
DIRICHLET[a_List, b_List] := Module[{c = {}, i, s, d}, For[i = 1, i <= Min[Length[a], Length[b]], i++, s = 0; For[d = 1, d <= i, d++, If[did[i, d] == 1, s = s + a[[d]] b[[i/d]]]]; c = Append[c, s]]; c];
zetaNum[p_, nmax_, f_] := Module[{n}, L = Join[{1}, Table[0, {n, 2, p-1}], {f}, Table[0, {n, p+1, nmax}]]];
zeta[p_, nmax_, f_] := Module[{L, e}, L = Join[{1}, Table[0, {n, 2, nmax}] ]; For[e = 1, True, e++, If[p^e > nmax, Break[], L = ReplacePart[L, p^e -> f^e]]]; L];
zetap = zetaNum[2, maxOrd, 2];
For[e = 3, e <= maxOrd, e++, If[PrimeQ[e], ze = zetaNum[e, maxOrd, 1];
zetap = DIRICHLET[zetap, ze]; ze = zetaNum[e, maxOrd, e];
zetap = DIRICHLET[zetap, ze]; ze = zeta[e, maxOrd, e];
zetap = DIRICHLET[zetap, ze]; ze = zeta[e, maxOrd, e^2];
zetap = DIRICHLET[zetap, ze]]];
zetap (* Jean-François Alcover, Apr 20 2020, after R. J. Mathar *)
More terms from R. J. Mathar, Jul 16 2010
Typo in formula (exclamation mark for 1) corrected by R. J. Mathar, Jul 23 2010
Name corrected by Andrey Zabolotskiy, Jan 29 2020