Let b := 2 + v(n), where v(n) is equal to u_5(n - 1) iff n == 1 (mod 5), u_5(n^2 + 1) iff n == 2,3 (mod 5), u_5(n + 1) iff n == 4 (mod 5), u_2(n^2 - 1) - 1 iff n == 5 (mod 10), while u_5 and u_2 indicate the 5-adic and the 2-adic valuation of the argument (respectively).
Assuming that n is not a multiple of 10, we define as modular phase shift (original name "sfasamento modulare" - see References, “La strana coda della serie n^n^...^n”, Chapter 7) the subsequence of the 4 (or 2 or even 1) congruence classes of the differences between the rightmost non-stable digits of n^^b (i.e., the least significant digit of the tetration n^^b that is not frozen as we move to n^^(b + 1)) and the corresponding digit of n^^(b + 1), and ditto for (n^^(b + 1) and n^^(b + 2)), (n^^(b + 2) and n^^(b + 3)), (n^^(b + 3) and n^^(b + 4)).
Now, let us indicate this subsequence as [s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4] and then, if s_1 = s_3 and also s_2 = s_4, we transform [s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4] into [s_1, s_2], and lastly, if s_1 = s_2, we transform [s_1, s_2] into [s_1].
Finally, we get a(n) by juxtaposing all the 4 (or 2, or 1) digits inside [...] (e.g., if n = 3, then b = 2 + 1 so that we get s_1 = 6 = s_3 and s_2 = 4 = s_4, and consequently a(3) = 64 instead of 6464).
Assuming that n is not a multiple of 10, in general, for any given pair of nonnegative integers c and k, the congruence class modulo 10 of the difference between the least significant digits of n^^(b+c+4*k) and n^^(b+c+1+4*k) does not depend on k. Moreover, if s_1 <> s_2, then s_1 + s_3 = s_2 + s_4 = 10.
In detail, if the last digit of n is 5, then a(n) = 5, while if n is coprime to 5, a(n) mandatorily belongs to the following set: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 28, 37, 46, 64, 73, 82, 91, 1397, 1793, 2486, 2684, 3179, 3971, 4268, 4862, 6248, 6842, 7139, 7931, 8426, 8624, 9317, 9713}.
The author conjectures that if n is not a multiple of 10, then a(n) is necessarily an element of the subset {2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 19, 28, 46, 64, 82, 91, 1397, 1793, 2486, 2684, 3179, 3971, 4268, 4862, 6248, 6842, 7139, 7931, 8426, 8624, 9317, 9713}.
As a mere consequence of a(3) = 64 and the fact that congruence speed of 3 is 0 at height 1 and 1 at any height above 1, it follows that 4 is equal to the difference between the slog_3(G)-th least significant digit of Graham's number, G, and the slog_3(G)-th least significant digit of any power tower of the form 3^3^3^... whose height is above slog_3(G) (where slog(...) indicates the super-logarithm of the argument).
Marco Ripà, La strana coda della serie n^n^...^n, Trento, UNI Service, Nov 2011. ISBN 978-88-6178-789-6.
Marco Ripà, On the constant congruence speed of tetration, Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, Volume 26, 2020, Number 3, Pages 245—260.
Marco Ripà, The congruence speed formula, Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 2021, 27(4), 43—61.
Marco Ripà, Twelve Python Programs to Help Readers Test Peculiar Properties of Integer Tetration, ResearchGate, 2024. See pp. 7, 9, 12, 14, 27.
Marco Ripà and Luca Onnis, Number of stable digits of any integer tetration, Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 2022, 28(3), 441—457.
Wikipedia, Graham's Number.
Wikipedia, Tetration.
a(3) = 64 since the congruence speed of 3 at height 3^^(2 + u_5(3^2 + 1)) is constant and its value is 1, so (3^(3^3) - 3^(3^(3^3)))/10^2 == 6 (mod 10) while (3^(3^(3^3)) - 3^(3^(3^(3^3))))/10^3 == 4 (mod 10).
# Function to calculate the p-adic valuation
def p_adic_valuation(n, p):
count = 0
while n % p == 0 and n != 0:
n //= p
count += 1
return count
# Function to calculate tetration (tower of powers)
def tetration(base, height, last_digits=500):
results = [base]
for n in range(1, height):
result = pow(base, results[-1], 10**last_digits) # Only the last last_digits digits
return results
# Function to find the first non-zero difference and compute modulo 10
def find_difference_mod_10(tetrations):
differences = []
for n in range(len(tetrations) - 1):
string_n = str(tetrations[n]).zfill(500) # Pad with zeros if needed
string_n_plus_1 = str(tetrations[n+1]).zfill(500)
# Find the first difference starting from the rightmost digit
for i in range(499, -1, -1): # From right to left
if string_n[i] != string_n_plus_1[i]:
difference = (int(string_n[i]) - int(string_n_plus_1[i])) % 10
return differences
# Function to determine the first hyperexponent based on modulo 5 congruences
def calculate_initial_exponent(a):
mod_5 = a % 5
if mod_5 == 1:
valuation = p_adic_valuation(a - 1, 5)
initial_exponent = valuation + 2
elif mod_5 in [2, 3]:
valuation = p_adic_valuation(a**2 + 1, 5)
initial_exponent = valuation + 2
elif mod_5 == 4:
valuation = p_adic_valuation(a + 1, 5)
initial_exponent = valuation + 2
valuation = p_adic_valuation(a**2 - 1, 2)
initial_exponent = valuation + 1
return initial_exponent
# Main logic
a = int(input("Enter a positive integer greater than 1: "))
# Check if the number ends with 0
if a % 10 == 0:
elif a <= 1:
raise ValueError("The number must be greater than 1.")
# Calculate the initial exponent based on modulo 5 congruence
initial_exponent = calculate_initial_exponent(a)
# Generate tetrations for 30 iterations and the last 500 digits
tetrations = tetration(a, 30, last_digits=500)
# Find the modulo 10 differences for the 4 required iterations
mod_10_differences = find_difference_mod_10(tetrations[initial_exponent-1:initial_exponent+4])
# Optimization of the output
if mod_10_differences[:2] == mod_10_differences[2:]:
mod_10_differences = mod_10_differences[:2]
if len(set(mod_10_differences)) == 1:
mod_10_differences = [mod_10_differences[0]]
# Convert the list of differences into a string without brackets or commas
result_str = ''.join(map(str, mod_10_differences))
# Print the optimized result
print(f"a({a}) = {result_str}")
except Exception as e:
Marco Ripà, Sep 23 2024