Table of the number of ways T(m,n) to partition a 2m X 2n grid into Cartesian products of size 2 X 2, read by ascending antidiagonals.
1, 3, 3, 15, 45, 15, 105, 1575, 1575, 105, 945, 99225, 510525, 99225, 945, 10395, 9823275, 376473825, 376473825, 9823275, 10395, 135135, 1404728325, 533407191975, 4202869719825, 533407191975, 1404728325, 135135, 2027025, 273922023375, 1302400497234375, 115509334438258425, 115509334438258425, 1302400497234375, 273922023375, 2027025
This is a special case of the problem to partition a Cartesian product P X Q into squares P_i X Q_i, i.e. |P_i| = |Q_i|. In our case all subsets have size 2. Using the terminology of A160911 we deal with partitions of type (2m X 2n: 2,2,2,...).
From Markus Sigg, Jul 25-26 2024: (Start)
T(m,n) is a multiple of (2m-1)(2n-1) as there are that many ways to place a Cartesian product with one point in the top left of the grid, and the resulting configurations are equivalent.
For m,n > 1, starting with the Cartesian product {1,2m} X {1,2n} and evaluating the options for adding a Cartesian product with one point in (1,2) shows that T(m,n) is a multiple of (2m-1)(2n-1)*lcm(2m-3,2n-3). (End)
Table T(m,n) begins:
n 1 2 3 4 5
m \ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1 | 1 3 15 105 945
2 | 3 45 1575 99225 9823275
3 | 15 1575 510525 376473825 533407191975
4 | 105 99225 376473825 4202869719825
5 | 945 9823275 533407191975 115509334438258425
6 | 10395 1404728325 1302400497234375 6907197292027901339625
7 | 135135 273922023375
8 | 2027025
These are the T(1,2) = 3 possible partitions:
|A A B B| |A B A B| |A B B A|
|A A B B| |A B A B| |A B B A|
#1 #2 #3
For T(2,2) = 45 consider these special partitions:
|A A B B| |A A B B| |A A B B|
|A A B B| |A A B B| |A A C C|
|C C D D| |C D C D| |D D B B|
|C C D D| |C D C D| |D D C C|
Base1 Base2 Base3
Any partition is equivalent to exactly one of these partitions, i.e. it differs only by the order of the rows and columns. The number of equivalent partitions is respectively 9, 18, 18. Thus we have T(2,2) = 9 + 18 + 18 = 45.
See the picture and the expanded example in the link section.
Some other known terms: T(5,5) = 84250218148544569727025, T(6,4) = 6907197292027901339625, T(7,4) = 814287280679532017261528625, T(8,4) = 173936355367823940296258779550625, T(9,4) = 62626268302216078023651174787170095625, T(10,4) = 35784629301848063975515694953866493243805625.
(C) // See Markus Sigg link.
Cf. A001147 (column 1), A079484 (column 2 - conjectured), A160911.
Sequence in context: A165553 A056314 A171379 * A078631 A352802 A160639
Rainer Rosenthal and Markus Sigg, Jun 13 2024
a(24) and beyond from Markus Sigg, Jul 18 2024