As a flat sequence, this is a permutation of the positive integers with inverse A371425 (as each row and column starts with the least missing value so far).
Empirically, for m > 1:
- the multiples of m appear along lines parallel to the borders and along two network of curves (see first illustration in Links section),
- the sequence mod m shows periodic patterns along the borders (see second illustration in Links section).
Rémy Sigrist, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10011
Rémy Sigrist, Colored scatterplot of A(n, k) mod 7 for n, k <= 1000 (white pixels correspond to multiples of 7)
Rémy Sigrist, PARI program
Array A(n, k) begins: n\k | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 | 1 3 5 9 13 17 23 31 41 47 59 67
2 | 2 6 10 14 22 28 36 46 58 70 74 94
3 | 4 8 15 24 26 34 45 56 68 84 96 116
4 | 7 12 20 27 35 40 49 62 77 91 112 119
5 | 11 18 25 33 44 51 66 75 82 99 118 121
6 | 16 21 32 42 52 64 80 92 105 126 144 160
7 | 19 30 38 54 60 76 90 108 123 133 162 188
8 | 29 39 50 63 78 87 100 124 145 156 174 200
9 | 37 48 55 72 88 102 115 138 154 176 192 220
10 | 43 57 65 86 104 114 135 155 171 195 215 232
11 | 53 69 85 98 120 136 147 184 196 212 236 265
12 | 61 81 95 117 130 152 180 183 210 235 260 285
(PARI) \\ See Links section.
Rémy Sigrist, Mar 23 2024