Table read by antidiagonals: Place k equally spaced points on each side of a regular n-gon and join every pair of these n*k points by a chord; T(n,k) (n >= 3, k >= 0) gives the number of regions in the resulting planar graph.
1, 4, 1, 27, 8, 1, 130, 88, 16, 1, 385, 444, 246, 30, 1, 1044, 1544, 1376, 492, 57, 1, 2005, 3584, 4621, 2814, 1079, 88, 1, 4060, 8356, 11691, 9042, 6014, 1800, 163, 1, 6831, 14996, 25026, 23604, 20049, 10016, 3196, 230, 1, 11272, 26572, 47386, 50448, 50597, 34432, 17632, 4770, 386, 1
See A367278 and A006533 for other images of the n-gons.
Scott R. Shannon, Image for T(5,5).
Scott R. Shannon, Image for T(7,4).
Scott R. Shannon, Image for T(8,4).
Scott R. Shannon, Image for T(12,3).
a(n,k) = A367305(n,k) - A367302(n,k) + 1 (Euler).
The table begins:
1, 4, 27, 130, 385, 1044, 2005, 4060, 6831, 11272, 16819, 26436, 35737, 52147, ...
1, 8, 88, 444, 1544, 3584, 8356, 14996, 26572, 42144, 69988, 93264, 148364, ...
1, 16, 246, 1376, 4621, 11691, 25026, 47386, 82096, 133076, 204716, 301861, ...
1, 30, 492, 2814, 9042, 23604, 50448, 95244, 163890, 268848, 415146, 610476, ...
1, 57, 1079, 6014, 20049, 50597, 107171, 201916, 348559, 563375, 864977, ...
1, 88, 1800, 10016, 34432, 86360, 185856, 347976, 604248, 974184, 1502416, ...
1, 163, 3196, 17632, 58195, 146071, 308296, 578926, 997219, 1609453, 2467720, ...
1, 230, 4770, 26470, 89160, 222730, 474120, 887230, 1532880, 2470640, 3798120, ...
1, 386, 7525, 41053, 134729, 336678, 708753, 1327987, 2284151, 3682306, ...
1, 456, 9276, 56100, 187872, 468660, 1002300, 1873824, 3235104, 5214684, ...
1, 794, 15250, 82447, 269309, 670892, 1409630, 2637051, 4530891, ...
1, 966, 20286, 109956, 363552, 902174, 1904504, 3555020, 6119918, ...
1, 1471, 27811, 149266, 485761, 1207201, 2532751, 4732516, 8124511, ...
Cf. A367302 (vertices), A367303 (internal vertices), A367305 (edges), A366486 (first row), A367278 (second row), A006533 (second column).
Sequence in context: A329060 A118283 A095891 * A095887 A225213 A137906
Scott R. Shannon, Nov 13 2023