Fermat pseudoprimes to base 2 that are products of two Mersenne numbers (not necessarily distinct) that are larger than 1.
1905, 15841, 129921, 8322945, 66977281, 4395899025409, 4398012825601, 140735340806145, 36892925197465616385, 2342736497361113055105, 4951750712408555360305545217, 39304596247310823728047193985, 2535301191011725837253847547905, 1298074214624262174166747352924161
Without the restriction to Mersenne numbers that are larger than 1 all the composite Mersenne numbers (A065341) will be terms.
Szymiczek (1964) proved that if p is a prime == 7 (mod 8) (A007522) and t = 2^phi((p-1)/2), then M(p)*M(t) is a Fermat pseudoprime to base 2, where phi is the Euler totient function (A000010) and M(n) = 2^n-1 = A000225(n) is the n-th Mersenne number. The smallest pseudoprime that is generated by this rule, for p = 7 and t = 2^phi((7-1)/2) = 4, is M(7) * M(4) = 1905. The next two, corresponding to p = 23 and 31, have 316 and 87 digits, respectively.
Rotkiewicz and Makowski (1966) proved that if p is a prime or a Fermat pseudoprime to base 2 such that o(p), the multiplicative order of 2 modulo p, is odd (A014663 for primes, A367230 for pseudoprimes), then for each positive k <= p/o(o(p)), if t = 2^(k*o(o(p))) then M(p)*M(t) is a Fermat pseudoprime to base 2. For example, for p = 7, p/o(o(7)) = 7/2, so for k = 1, 2 and 3 the resulting pseudoprimes are 1905, 8322945 and 2342736497361113055105, respectively.
Andrzej Rotkiewicz and Andrzej Makowski, On Pseudoprime Numbers of the Form M_p M_t, Elemente der Mathematik, Vol. 21 (1966), pp. 133-134.
Kazimierz Szymiczek, On prime numbers p,q and r such that pq, pr, and qr are pseudoprimes, Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 13 (1964), pp. 259-263; alternative link.
a(1) = 1905 = (2^4-1) * (2^7-1).
a(2) = 15841 = (2^5-1) * (2^9-1).
With[{max = 110}, m = 2^Range[2, max] - 1; Sort@ Select[Times @@@ Subsets[m, {2}], # < m[[-1]] && PowerMod[2, # - 1, #] == 1 &]]
Amiram Eldar, Nov 11 2023