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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A358443 a(1) = 1. After each newly determined a(n-1), cross out every n-th number in the line of the positive integers. a(n) will be the smallest unused number that has not been crossed out. 0
1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 18, 30, 42, 90, 138, 162 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
This sequence is generated by a sieve. Its first term is odd, and the rest are even numbers. Since every remaining number is crossed out after a(11) is determined, the sequence is finite, having only 11 terms.
Consider hyperplanes with eleven dimensions and a normal vector N = {2, 3, ..., 12} and with distances to the origin |(k+162)|/|N| and k is an integer. We will find at least one point with only integer coordinates for each of these distances located on such a hyperplane. If k is positive then a hyperplane exists where such a point has only positive coordinates. - Thomas Scheuerle, Nov 17 2022
For each k exists at least one m ( 0 < m < 12 ), such that (k-a(m)) mod (m+1) = 0. - Thomas Scheuerle, Nov 17 2022
For a(2), after a(1) = 1 every second number is crossed out: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ..., which leaves a(2) = 2 next available.
For a(3), every third number after a(2) is also crossed out: 5, 8, 11, ..., which leaves a(3) = 4 next available.
For a(4), every fourth number after a(3) is also crossed out: 8, 12, 16, ... which leaves a(4) = 6 next available.
For a(5), every fifth number after a(4) is also crossed out: 11, 16, 21, ..., which leaves a(5) = 10 next available.
Sequence in context: A025052 A142584 A098197 * A175941 A317536 A203175
a(10)-a(11) from Jon E. Schoenfield

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Last modified September 9 08:49 EDT 2024. Contains 375762 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)