Numbers k for which A344695(k^2) > 1.
It can be shown that sigma(m) and psi(m) share a factor if m is nonsquare. (See A344695 for more detail.) So here we consider only square numbers, m = k^2.
For prime p, sigma(p^2) and psi(p^2) are coprime, since sigma(p^2) = p^2 + p + 1 = psi(p^2) + 1. So all terms are composite. We can say more, since for prime p and positive integer e, psi(p^(2*e)) = p^(2*e-1) * (p+1), whereas sigma(p^(2*e)) can be shown to be congruent to 1 modulo p and to 1 modulo p+1, so shares no factors with p^(2*e-1) * (p+1). So all terms are divisible by more than one prime.
If k is in the sequence, m*k is also present for any positive integer m coprime to k.
Robert Israel, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
Sigma (A000203) and the Dedekind psi function (A001615) are both multiplicative, so we gain insight by showing the values of these functions using their multiplicative properties:-
sigma(14^2) = sigma(2^2) * sigma(7^2) = 7 * 57 = 7 * (3*19).
psi(14^2) = psi(2^2) * psi(7^2) = 6 * 56 = (2*3) * (2^3*7).
So sigma(14^2) and psi(14^2) share factors 3 and 7, so 14 is in the sequence.
Looking in particular at the shared factor 3, we see it is present in sigma(7^2) and psi(2^2). For prime p, sigma(p^2) and psi(p^2) equate to polynomials in p, so we deduce 3 divides sigma(p^2) for p congruent to 7 modulo 3, and divides psi(p^2) for p congruent to 2 modulo 3. From this we see all products of a prime of the form 3m+1 and a prime of the form 3m+2 are in the sequence; for instance (3*4+1) * (3*1+2) = 13 * 5 = 65.
filter:= proc(k) local n, F, sig, psi, t;
n:= k^2;
F:= map(t -> [t[1], 2*t[2]], ifactors(k)[2]);
sig:= mul((t[1]^(1+t[2])-1)/(t[1]-1), t=F);
psi:= n*mul(1+1/t[1], t=F);
igcd(sig, psi) > 1
end proc:
select(filter, [$1..300]); # Robert Israel, Jan 06 2024
filter[k_] := Module[{n, F, sig, psi},
n = k^2;
F = {#[[1]], 2 #[[2]]}& /@ FactorInteger[k];
sig = Product[(t[[1]]^(1 + t[[2]]) - 1)/(t[[1]] - 1), {t, F}];
psi = n*Product[1 + 1/t[[1]], {t, F}];
GCD[sig, psi] > 1];
Select[Range[300], filter] // Quiet (* Jean-François Alcover, May 23 2024, after Robert Israel *)
Antti Karttunen and Peter Munn, May 27 2021