
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Number of fundamentally different graceful labelings of digraphs with n arcs.
1, 2, 6, 22, 342, 1444, 33184, 399235, 12502550, 117906198, 7740054144, 74673569118, 4724493959332, 121637216075836, 4503600768557056, 89450720590507768, 10119960926575526448, 152232968281237988010, 16384000020089600480000, 552020693349464673399080, 35271474934322858202723576
Consider vertices numbered 0 to n. For 1 <= k <= n, add an arc from v_k to (v_k+k) mod q, where q = n+1. (Thus (n+1)^n possibilities.) Two such digraphs are considered equivalent under the following operations: (i) rename each v to (v+1) mod q; (ii) rename each v to (av) mod q, where a is relatively prime to q; (iii) form the converse digraph by reversing the direction of every arc. The number of equivalence classes is a(n).
G. S. Bloom and D. F. Hsu, On graceful digraphs and a problem in network addressing, Congr. Numer., 35 (1982) 91-103.
D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, forthcoming exercise in Section
Each equivalence class has exactly one digraph with v_1=0.
For n=3 the six classes of digraphs 0v_2v_3 are: {000,032}, {001,011,021,031}, {002,010,022,030}, {003,033}, {012,020}, {013,023}.
# This is a port from the Mathematica program below.
sols := proc(alf, bet, q)
igcd(alf, q); `if`(modp(bet, %) <> 0, 0, %) end:
F := proc(l, a, b, q) local s, r, ll;
s := 1; r := 1; ll := modp(l*a, q);
while ll > l do
s := s + 1;
ll := modp(ll*a, q);
r := modp(r*a+1, q); od;
`if`(ll <> l, 1, sols(a^s - 1, -r*b, q)) end:
G := proc(l, a, b, q) local s, r, ll;
s := 1; r := 1; ll := modp(-l*a, q);
while ll > l do
s := s + 1;
ll := modp(-ll*a, q);
r := modp(r*a+1, q); od;
`if`(ll <> l, 1, sols(a^s - 1, -r*b - l*irem(s, 2), q)) end:
f := (a, b, q) -> mul(F(l, a, b, q), l = 1..q-1):
g := (a, b, q) -> mul(G(l, a, b, q), l = 1..q-1):
a := proc(n) local q; q := n + 1;
add(`if`(igcd(a, q) > 1, 0, add(f(a, b, q) + g(a, b, q),
b = 0..q-1)), a = 1..q-1);
% / (2*q*numtheory:-phi(q)) end:
seq(a(n), n=1..21); # Peter Luschny, Mar 10 2021
sols[alf_, bet_, q_]:=Block[{d=GCD[alf, q]}, If[Mod[bet, d]!=0, 0, d]]
(* that many solutions to alf x == bet (modulo q) for 0<=x<q *)
f[l_, a_, b_, q_]:=Block[{r, s, ll, atos},
s=1; ll=Mod[l*a, q]; r=1;
While[ll>l, s++; ll=Mod[ll*a, q]; r=Mod[r*a+1, q]];
If[ll==l, sols[a^s-1, -r b, q], 1]]
g[l_, a_, b_, q_]:=Block[{r, s, ll, atos},
s=1; ll=Mod[-l*a, q]; r=1;
While[ll>l, s++; ll=Mod[-ll*a, q]; r=Mod[r*a+1, q]];
If[ll==l, sols[a^s-1, -r b-l Mod[s, 2], q], 1]]
f[a_, b_, q_]:=Product[f[l, a, b, q], {l, q-1}]
g[a_, b_, q_]:=Product[g[l, a, b, q], {l, q-1}]
x[q_]:=Sum[If[GCD[a, q]>1, 0, Sum[f[a, b, q]+g[a, b, q], {b, 0, q-1}]], {a, q-1}]/
(2q EulerPhi[q])
Sequence in context: A180367 A111061 A060803 * A377029 A213134 A140837
Don Knuth, Feb 22 2021
a(10) from Don Knuth, Mar 10 2021
More terms from Peter Luschny, Mar 10 2021