
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Numbers at the start of a run of 2 or more consecutive primes that are Sophie Germain primes.
2, 23, 83, 173, 233, 653, 1013, 1223, 1499, 1889, 2063, 2393, 2543, 2693, 2963, 3803, 4373, 5039, 6101, 6263, 6323, 6491, 7079, 7643, 7883, 9473, 10691, 13883, 14153, 14303, 15161, 16811, 17669, 19553, 19913, 20753, 21701, 22259, 22343, 22409, 22469, 25913
This sequence is similar to A128825, but also includes 2, and omits numbers like 20759 (see Example), which is a Sophie Germain prime in the interior of a run of more than two consecutive primes that are Sophie Germain primes.
2 is a Sophie Germain prime (since 2*2 + 1 = 5 is prime), 3 is a Sophie Germain prime (since 2*3 + 1 = 7 is prime), and 2 and 3 are consecutive primes, so 2 is a term of the sequence.
23 and 29 are consecutive primes, and both 23*2 + 1 = 47 and 29*2 + 1 = 59 are primes, so 23 is a term.
The three consecutive primes 20753, 20759, and 20771 are all Sophie Germain primes, and the primes immediately before 20753 and immediately after 20771 are not Sophie Germain primes, so {20753, 20759, 20771} forms a run of three consecutive primes that are Sophie Germain primes; 20753 is at the start of the run, so it is a term, but 20759 is not at the start of the run, so it is not a term.
P:= [seq(ithprime(i), i=1..10000)]:
SG:= map(t -> isprime(2*t+1), P):
P[select(j -> j=1 or SG[j-1..j+1]=[false, true, true], [$1..9999])]; # Robert Israel, Apr 28 2021
Select[Prime@Range@3000, And@@PrimeQ[{2#+1, 2NextPrime@#+1}]&] (* Giorgos Kalogeropoulos, Apr 28 2021 *)
Cf. A005384 (Sophie Germain primes), A128825, A338700, A339475, A339476, A339477, A339478.
Sequence in context: A345701 A209194 A097232 * A222564 A099134 A069152
Jon E. Schoenfield, Apr 24 2021