
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Consider a partition of the triangle with vertices (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) by the lines a_1*x_1 + a_2*x_2 = 1, where (x_1, x_2) is in {1, 2,...,m} X {1, 2,...,n}, m >= 1, n >= 1. Triangle read by rows: T(m,n) = number of quadrilateral cells in the partition, for m >= n >= 1.
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 6, 14, 0, 6, 10, 22, 34, 0, 10, 17, 36, 56, 90, 0, 15, 24, 49, 74, 118, 154, 0, 21, 34, 68, 102, 161, 211, 288, 0, 28, 44, 87, 130, 205, 268, 365, 462, 0, 36, 57, 111, 166, 261, 341, 463, 586, 742, 0, 45, 70, 135, 200, 313, 406, 550, 694, 878, 1038
M. A. Alekseyev, M. Basova, and N. Yu. Zolotykh. On the minimal teaching sets of two-dimensional threshold functions. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 29:1 (2015), 157-165. doi:10.1137/140978090. See Theorem 13.
N. J. A. Sloane, Illustration for (m,n) = (2,2), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3) [c_3 = number of triangles, c_4 = number of quadrilaterals; c, e, v = numbers of cells, edges, vertices]
Triangle begins:
0, 0,
0, 1, 2,
0, 3, 6, 14,
0, 6, 10, 22, 34,
0, 10, 17, 36, 56, 90,
0, 15, 24, 49, 74, 118, 154,
0, 21, 34, 68, 102, 161, 211, 288,
0, 28, 44, 87, 130, 205, 268, 365, 462,
0, 36, 57, 111, 166, 261, 341, 463, 586, 742,
# VR(m, n, q) is f_q(m, n) from the Alekseyev et al. reference.
VR := proc(m, n, q) local a, i, j; a:=0;
for i from -m+1 to m-1 do for j from -n+1 to n-1 do
if gcd(i, j)=q then a:=a+(m-abs(i))*(n-abs(j)); fi; od: od: a; end;
ct4 := proc(m, n) local i; global VR;
if m=1 or n=1 then 0 else VR(m, n, 1)/4-VR(m, n, 2)/2-m/2-n/2-1; fi; end;
for m from 1 to 12 do lprint([seq(ct4(m, n), n=1..m)]); od:
VR[m_, n_, q_] := Module[{a = 0, i, j}, For[i = -m + 1, i <= m - 1, i++, For[j = -n + 1, j <= n - 1, j++, If[GCD[i, j] == q, a = a + (m - Abs[i])*(n - Abs[j])]]]; a];
ct4 [m_, n_] := If[m == 1 || n == 1, 0, VR[m, n, 1]/4 - VR[m, n, 2]/2 - m/2 - n/2 - 1];
Table[ct4[m, n], {m, 1, 12}, {n, 1, m}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Mar 09 2023, after Maple code *)
Main diagonal is A324043.
Sequence in context: A330674 A248966 A021495 * A309655 A260591 A127160
N. J. A. Sloane, Feb 11 2020