Number of occurrences of k in the list of transitions t(j), j <= n!-1, of interchanges a(t(j)) <-> a(t(j)+1) created by Knuth's "Algorithm T" (Plain change transitions) to generate all permutations of n distinct elements, written as a triangle T(m,k), m = n-1 >= 1, k <= m.
1, 2, 3, 8, 6, 9, 26, 36, 27, 30, 146, 126, 177, 120, 150, 746, 966, 777, 960, 750, 840, 5786, 5166, 6657, 5160, 6630, 5040, 5880, 41066, 50526, 41937, 50520, 41910, 50400, 41160, 45360, 403946, 368046, 450177, 368040, 450150, 367920, 449400, 362880, 408240, 3669866, 4359726, 3716097, 4359720, 3716070, 4359600, 3715320, 4354560, 3674160, 3991680
Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 2, Generating All Tuples and Permutations, chapter pages 43-44, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005.
Hugo Pfoertner, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..91, rows 1..13, flattened.
The triangle starts:
2 3
8 6 9
26 36 27 30
146 126 177 120 150
746 966 777 960 750 840
5786 5166 6657 5160 6630 5040 5880
41066 50526 41937 50520 41910 50400 41160 45360
403946 368046 450177 368040 450150 367920 449400 362880 408240
3669866 4359726 3716097 4359720 3716070 4359600 3715320 4354560 3674160 3991680
For n=3 (m=2), Algorithm T produces the transitions list t = (t(1),...,t(5)) = (2, 1, 2, 1, 2). With a\b indicating interchange of xy -> yx, the 6 permutations of 1 2 3 are created in the order
t(1) = 2: 12\3 -> 132
t(2) = 1: 1\32 -> 312
t(3) = 2: 31\2 -> 321
t(4) = 1: 3\21 -> 231
t(5) = 2: 23\1 -> 213
1 occurs 2 times in t, 2 occurs 3 times. Therefore T(2,1) = 2, T(2,2) = 3.
For n=4 (m=3), t = (t(1),...,t(23)) = (3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3). 1 occurs 8 times, 2 occurs 6 times and 3 occurs 9 times. Therefore T(3,1) = 8, T(3,2) = 6, T(3,3) = 9.
# Algorithm T due to Don Knuth.
Knuth_T := proc(n)
local N, d, t, m, k, j, often;
# T1 [Initialize]
often := [seq(0, j=1..n-1)];
N := n!; d := N/2; t[d] := 1; m := 2;
# T2 [Loop on m]
while m <> n do
m := m+1; d := d/m; k := 0;
# T3 [Hunt down]
while true do
k := k+d; j := m-1;
while j > 0 do
t[k] := j; j := j-1; k := k+d; od;
# T4 [Offset]
t[k] := t[k]+1; k := k+d;
# T5 [Hunt up]
while j < m-1 do
j := j+1; t[k] := j; k := k+d;
if k >= N then break; fi; od;
if j = 0 then break; fi; od;
for j to n-1 do
often[j] := 0; od;
for k to N-1 do
often[t[k]] := often[t[k]]+1; od;
return often;
for n from 2 to 9 do Knuth_T(n); od; # Rainer Rosenthal, Nov 26 2018
Cf. A033312.
Sequence in context: A093098 A021423 A160582 * A112977 A120390 A109230
Hugo Pfoertner, Nov 16 2018