
Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.

Numbers equal to the sum of their aliquot parts, each of them increased by 8.
188, 370, 568, 1612, 1648, 1892, 4832, 70384, 165632, 430508, 2394848, 76393148, 85532348, 174712264, 540655616, 2359808828, 2544998588, 2199366139904, 35236711282688, 2931045725111036, 20542625035648508, 144115310213988352, 144141640382529536
Searched up to n = 10^12.
a(24) > 10^18. - Hiroaki Yamanouchi, Aug 28 2018
From Giovanni Resta, May 11 2018: (Start)
If p = 2^(1+t) + (1+2*t)*k - 1 is a prime, for some t > 0 and k even, then x = 2^t*p is in the sequence where k is the value by which the sum of aliquot parts is increased.
In this sequence, k = 8; for t = 20 we get 2199366139904, which is a term greater than 2544998588, but this does not exclude the existence of other intermediate terms following a different solution pattern.
In fact, there could also be sporadic solutions of the type x = 2^t*r*q, where r and q are prime and for which no closed form is known. E.g., for k = 8 we have x = 2^14*32771*268460149.
To find them, since d(n) = 4*(t+1) and sigma(n) = (2^(t+1)-1)*(1+r)*(1+q), the relation 2*n = sigma(n) + k*(d(n)-1) becomes 2^(t+1)*r*q = (2^(t+1)-1)*(1+r)*(1+q) + k*(4*t+3), which, for fixed t and k, is a quadratic Diophantine equation in r and q that could admit solutions with r and q prime.
Terms using odd values of k seem very hard to find. Up to n = 10^12, only three such terms are known: 2, 98, and 8450, for k = 1, 5, and -7, respectively.
Aliquot parts of 188 are 1, 2, 4, 47, 94; (1+8) + (2+8) + (4+8) + (47+8) + (94+8) = 188.
Aliquot parts of 370 are 1, 2, 5, 10, 37, 74, 185; (1+8) + (2+8) + (5+8) + (10+8) + (37+8) + (74+8) + (185+8) = 370.
with(numtheory): P:=proc(q, k) local n;
for n from 1 to q do if 2*n=sigma(n)+k*(tau(n)-1) then print(n);
fi; od; end: P(10^12, 8);
a(18)-a(23) from Hiroaki Yamanouchi, Aug 28 2018