E.g.f. A(x) satisfies: A(x)^2 + B(x)^2 = C(x)^2, such that A'(x) = A(x) + B(x)*C(x).
1, 3, 10, 45, 259, 1806, 14827, 140367, 1504576, 17972559, 236275711, 3387012720, 52572376669, 878552787927, 15729439074058, 300400031036745, 6095885898471775, 130982551821899862, 2970844882925223487, 70929401617621416243, 1778125633605205346584, 46698342082602696345555, 1282168260097348871508667, 36734284970419645262875200, 1096293296048734274708523433, 34026339905854090378353208155
Here, the functions A(x), B(x), and C(x) are the e.g.f.s of sequences A292181, A292182, and A292183, respectively.
Another Pythagorean triple is the e.g.f.s of A289695, A193543, and A153302, which are related to the Lemniscate sine and cosine functions, sl(x) and cl(x).
E.g.f. A(x) and related functions B(x) and C(x) satisfy:
(1a) A(x)^2 + B(x)^2 = C(x)^2.
(1b) B(x)^2 - A(x)^2 = exp(x)^2.
(1c) C(x)^2 - 2*A(x)^2 = exp(x)^2.
(2a) A(x) = Integral A(x) + B(x)*C(x) dx.
(2b) B(x) = 1 + Integral B(x) + A(x)*C(x) dx.
(2c) C(x) = 1 + Integral C(x) + 2*A(x)*B(x) dx.
(3a) A(x) = exp(x) * sinh( Integral C(x) dx ).
(3b) B(x) = exp(x) * cosh( Integral C(x) dx ).
(3c) C(x) = exp(x) * cosh( Integral sqrt(2)*B(x) dx).
(3d) A(x) = exp(x) * sinh( Integral sqrt(2)*B(x) dx) / sqrt(2).
(4a) A(x) + B(x) = exp(x) * exp( Integral C(x) dx ).
(4b) C(x) + sqrt(2)*A(x) = exp(x) * exp( Integral sqrt(2)*B(x) dx ).
(4c) C(x) + sqrt(2)*B(x) = (1 + sqrt(2)) * exp(x) * exp( Integral sqrt(2)*A(x) dx ).
(5a) B(x) + i*A(x) = C(x) * exp( i*atan( A(x)/B(x) ) ).
(5b) A(x)/B(x) = Series_Reversion( Integral 1/( sqrt(1-x^4) * (1 + Integral 1/sqrt(1-x^4) dx) ) dx ).
Limit A292182(n)/A292181(n) = 1.
Limit A292183(n)/A292181(n) = sqrt(2).
E.g.f.: A(x) = x + 3*x^2/2! + 10*x^3/3! + 45*x^4/4! + 259*x^5/5! + 1806*x^6/6! + 14827*x^7/7! + 140367*x^8/8! + 1504576*x^9/9! + 17972559*x^10/10! + 236275711*x^11/11! + 3387012720*x^12/12! + 52572376669*x^13/13! + 878552787927*x^14/14! + 15729439074058*x^15/15! + 300400031036745*x^16/16! +...
where A(x) = Integral A(x) + B(x)*C(x) dx.
B(x) = 1 + x + 2*x^2/2! + 7*x^3/3! + 35*x^4/4! + 226*x^5/5! + 1715*x^6/6! + 14701*x^7/7! + 141248*x^8/8! + 1515661*x^9/9! + 18048527*x^10/10! + 236581984*x^11/11! + 3386091821*x^12/12! + 52533799501*x^13/13! + 877993866290*x^14/14! + 15723411375931*x^15/15! + 300349139257727*x^16/16 +...
where B(x) = 1 + Integral B(x) + A(x)*C(x) dx.
C(x) = 1 + x + 3*x^2/2! + 13*x^3/3! + 63*x^4/4! + 361*x^5/5! + 2499*x^6/6! + 20581*x^7/7! + 196311*x^8/8! + 2116561*x^9/9! + 25357563*x^10/10! + 333765037*x^11/11! + 4787007855*x^12/12! + 74323701817*x^13/13! + 1242253733619*x^14/14! + 22243082373301*x^15/15! + 424815246293319*x^16/16! +...
where C(x) = 1 + Integral C(x) + 2*A(x)*B(x) dx.
Squares of series.
A(x)^2 = 2*x^2/2! + 18*x^3/3! + 134*x^4/4! + 1050*x^5/5! + 9158*x^6/6! + 89418*x^7/7! + 972470*x^8/8! + 11700378*x^9/9! + 154613222*x^10/10! + 2227684074*x^11/11! + 34757852054*x^12/12! + 583740365754*x^13/13! + 10497898450118*x^14/14! + 201267889853706*x^15/15! + 4097952119101814*x^16/16! +...
where A(x)^2 + B(x)^2 = C(x)^2.
B(x)^2 = 1 + 2*x + 6*x^2/2! + 26*x^3/3! + 150*x^4/4! + 1082*x^5/5! + 9222*x^6/6! + 89546*x^7/7! + 972726*x^8/8! + 11700890*x^9/9! + 154614246*x^10/10! + 2227686122*x^11/11! + 34757856150*x^12/12! + 583740373946*x^13/13! + 10497898466502*x^14/14! + 201267889886474*x^15/15! + 4097952119167350*x^16/16! +...
where B(x)^2 - A(x)^2 = exp(2*x).
C(x)^2 = 1 + 2*x + 8*x^2/2! + 44*x^3/3! + 284*x^4/4! + 2132*x^5/5! + 18380*x^6/6! + 178964*x^7/7! + 1945196*x^8/8! + 23401268*x^9/9! + 309227468*x^10/10! + 4455370196*x^11/11! + 69515708204*x^12/12! + 1167480739700*x^13/13! + 20995796916620*x^14/14! + 402535779740180*x^15/15! + 8195904238269164*x^16/16! +...
where C(x)^2 - 2*A(x)^2 = exp(2*x).
(PARI) {a(n) = my(A=x, B=1, C=1); for(i=0, n, A = intformal(A + B*C + x*O(x^n));
B = 1 + intformal(B + A*C); C = 1 + intformal(C + 2*A*B)); n!*polcoeff(A, n)}
for(n=1, 30, print1(a(n), ", "))
Cf. A292182 (B), A292183 (C).
Sequence in context: A077002 A268224 A003704 * A236409 A348468 A000250
Paul D. Hanna, Sep 10 2017