
Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.

a(n) is the GCD of the sequence d(n) = A261327(k+n) - A261327(k) for all k.
0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 1, 8, 3, 5, 1, 12, 1, 7, 3, 16, 1, 9, 1, 20, 3, 11, 1, 24, 1, 13, 3, 28, 1, 15, 1, 32, 3, 17, 1, 36, 1, 19, 3, 40, 1, 21, 1, 44, 3, 23, 1, 48, 1, 25, 3, 52, 1, 27, 1, 56, 3, 29, 1, 60, 1, 31, 3, 64, 1, 33, 1, 68, 3, 35, 1, 72, 1, 37, 3, 76, 1, 39, 1
Successive sequences:
0: 0, 0, 0, 0, ... = 0 * ( )
1: 4, -3, 11, -8, ... = 1 * ( )
2: 1, 8, 3, 16, ... = 1 * ( ) A195161
3: 12, 0, 27, -3, ... = 3 * (4, 0, 9, -1, ...)
4: 4, 24, 8, 40, ... = 4 * (1, 6, 2, 10, ...) A064680
5; 28, 5, 51, 4, ... = 1 * ( )
6: 9, 48, 15, 72, ... = 3 * (3, 16, 5, 24, ...) A195161
7: 52, 12, 83, 13, ... = 1 * ( )
8: 16, 80, 24, 112, ... = 8 * (2, 10, 3, 14, ...) A064080
9: 84 21, 123, 24, ... = 3 * (28, 7, 41, 8, ...)
10: 25, 120, 35, 160, ... = 5 * (5, 24, 7, 32, ...) A195161
G.f.: -x*( -1 - x - 4*x^2 - 5*x^3 - 3*x^4 - 6*x^5 + 3*x^6 - 5*x^7 + 4*x^8 - x^9 + x^10 )/( (x^2 - x + 1)*(1 + x + x^2)*(x - 1)^2*(1 + x)^2*(1 + x^2)^2 ). - R. J. Mathar, Jan 31 2017
a(2*k) = A022998(k).
a(2*k+1) = A109007(k-1).
a(3*k) = interleave 3*k*(3 +(-1)^k)/2, 3.
a(3*k+1) = interleave 1, A166304(k).
a(3*k+2) = interleave A166138(k), 1.
a(4*k) = 4*k.
a(4*k+1) = period 3: repeat [1, 1, 3].
a(4*k+2) = 1 + 2*k.
a(4*k+3) = period 3: repeat [3, 1, 1].
a(n+12) - a(n) = 6*A131743(n+3).
a(n) = (18*n + 40 - 16*cos(n*Pi/3) + 9*n*cos(n*Pi/2) + 32*cos(2*n*Pi/3) + (18*n - 40)*cos(n*Pi) + 3*n*cos(3*n*Pi/2) - 16*cos(5*n*Pi/3))/48. - Wesley Ivan Hurt, Oct 04 2018
CoefficientList[Series[(-x (-1 - x - 4 x^2 - 5 x^3 - 3 x^4 - 6 x^5 + 3 x^6 - 5 x^7 + 4 x^8 - x^9 + x^10))/((x^2 - x + 1) (1 + x + x^2) (x - 1)^2*(1 + x)^2*(1 + x^2)^2), {x, 0, 79}], x] (* Michael De Vlieger, Feb 02 2017 *)
(PARI) f(n) = numerator((4 + n^2)/4);
a(n) = gcd(vector(1000, k, f(k+n) - f(k))); \\ Michel Marcus, Jan 15 2017
(PARI) A281098(n) = if(n%2, gcd((n\2)-1, 3), n>>(bitand(n, 2)/2)); \\ Antti Karttunen, Feb 15 2023
Paul Curtz, Jan 14 2017
Corrected and extended by Michel Marcus, Jan 15 2017