
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Irregular triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of primes with n balanced ternary digits of which 2k+1 (3 <= 2k+1 <= n) are nonzero.
4, 6, 8, 10, 7, 35, 11, 70, 30, 7, 129, 143, 10, 191, 458, 93, 11, 262, 1112, 605, 11, 370, 2209, 2513, 273, 8, 484, 4007, 7646, 2562, 10, 595, 6683, 19361, 12878, 938, 9, 765, 10697, 42633, 47555, 10311, 11, 917, 16103, 85860, 143382, 62541, 3183
This sequence has the same indexing rule as A277513.
There are no zeros in this sequence up to the (10^5)-th term.
It is conjectured that all terms of this sequence are greater than zero, or else there are infinitely many zero terms. The first zero term might appear beyond 10^6.
When n=3 and k=1, there are the following three trits balanced ternary numbers: 5=1TT, 7=1T1, 11=11T, 13=111. All four of them are primes, so T(3,1) = 4;
When n=4 and k=1, there are the following balanced ternary numbers with 2k+1=3 nonzero trits: 17=1T0T, 19=1T01, 23=10TT, 25=10T1, 29=101T, 31=1011, 35=110T, 37=1101. Among these 8 numbers, 6 of them are prime, so T(4,1) = 6.
By listing the first few rows, this sequence appears as:
k=1 2 3 4
n=3 4
n=4 6
n=5 8 10
n=6 7 35
n=8 11 70 30
n=9 7 129 143
n=10 10 191 458 93
(* This converts number m to balanced ternary form, stores the result in list t. *)
BTDigits[m_Integer, g_] :=
Module[{n = m, d, sign, t = g},
If[n != 0, If[n > 0, sign = 1, sign = -1; n = -n];
d = Ceiling[Log[3, n]]; If[3^d - n <= ((3^d - 1)/2), d++];
While[Length[t] < d, PrependTo[t, 0]];
t[[Length[t] + 1 - d]] = sign;
t = BTDigits[sign*(n - 3^(d - 1)), t]]; t];
(* This calculates j and k for balanced ternary form of number m. *)
BTnonzeroNumofDigits[m_Integer] :=
Module[{n = m}, t = BTDigits[n, {}]; j = Length[t];
k = 0; Do[If[t[[i]] != 0, k++], {i, 1, j}];
k = (k - 1)/2; {j, k}];
(* This calculates the category index n as defined in A277513 for a {j, k} pair. *)
IndexA277513[{j_, k_}] :=
Module[{m, i},
If[OddQ[j], m = (j - 1)/2; i = m^2 - m + k, m = j/2;
i = m^2 - 2 m + 1 + k]];
(* This counts a(n). *)
p=3; a={} ; While[p = NextPrime[p]; jk = BTnonzeroNumofDigits[p]; jk[[1]] <= 15, id = IndexA277513[jk]; While[Length[a] < id, AppendTo[a, 0]];
a[[id]]++]; a
2 together with the column 1 gives A196698.
Sequence in context: A227947 A144123 A132088 * A331208 A362818 A191488
Lei Zhou, Oct 18 2016