The least pandigital number in A276510 is 10234567889.
Each member of the sequence has digits in increasing order except that the first digit is 1.
The sequence has 1 member with 11 digits, 15 with 12 digits, 90 with 13 digits, 261 with 14 digits and 1190 with 15 digits.
pandig:= n -> evalb(nops(convert(convert(n, base, 10), set))=10):
sump:= proc(x) local L, D, n, M, s, j;
L:= convert(x, base, 10);
D:= [seq(numboccur(j, L), j=0..9)];
n:= nops(L);
M:= n!/mul(d!, d=D);
s:= add(j*D[j+1], j=0..9);
end proc:
n0:= 1023456789:
rep:= proc(n) local L, n0, i;
L:= sort(convert(n, base, 10));
n0:= numboccur(0, L);
L:= subsop(1=1, n0+1=0, L);
add(L[-i-1]*10^(i), i=0..nops(L)-1); end proc:
select(pandig @ sump, {seq(seq(n0*10^d+x, x=0..10^d-1), d=0..3)})), list));