These fields are characterized either by their 3-principalization types (transfer kernel types, TKTs) (2143), G.19, (2241), D.10, (4224), D.5, (4443), H.4, or equivalently by their transfer target types (TTTs) [(3,9)^4], [(3,3,3), (3,9)^3], [(3,3,3)^2, (3,9)^2], [(3,3,3)^3, (3,9)] (called IPADs by Boston, Bush, Hajir). The latter are used in the MAGMA PROG, which essentially constitutes the principalization algorithm via class group structure.
N. Boston, M. R. Bush, F. Hajir, Heuristics for p-class towers of imaginary quadratic fields, arXiv:1111.4679 [math.NT], 2011, Math. Ann. (2013).
D. C. Mayer, The second p-class group of a number field, arXiv:1403.3899 [math.NT], 2014; Int. J. Number Theory 8 (2012), no. 2, 471-505.
D. C. Mayer, Transfers of metabelian p-groups, arXiv:1403.3896 [math.GR], 2014; Monatsh. Math. 166 (3-4) (2012), 467-495.
D. C. Mayer, The distribution of second p-class groups on coclass graphs, arXiv:1403.3833 [math.NT], 2014; J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 25 (2) (2013), 401-456.
D. C. Mayer, Principalization algorithm via class group structure, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux (2014), Preprint: arXiv:1403.3839v1 [math.NT], 2014.
for d := 2 to 10^5 do a := false; if (3 eq d mod 4) and IsSquarefree(d) then a := true; end if; if (0 eq d mod 4) then r := d div 4; if IsSquarefree(r) and ((2 eq r mod 4) or (1 eq r mod 4)) then a := true; end if; end if; if (true eq a) then K := QuadraticField(-d); C, mC := ClassGroup(K); if ([3, 3] eq pPrimaryInvariants(C, 3)) then E := AbelianExtension(mC); sS := Subgroups(C: Quot := [3]); sA := [AbelianExtension(Inverse(mQ)*mC) where Q, mQ := quo<C|x`subgroup>: x in sS]; sN := [NumberField(x): x in sA]; sF := [AbsoluteField(x): x in sN]; sM := [MaximalOrder(x): x in sF]; sM := [OptimizedRepresentation(x): x in sF]; sA := [NumberField(DefiningPolynomial(x)): x in sM]; sO := [Simplify(LLL(MaximalOrder(x))): x in sA]; delete sA, sN, sF, sM; g := true; for j in [1..#sO] do CO := ClassGroup(sO[j]); if not (3 eq Valuation(#CO, 3)) then g := false; end if; end for; if (true eq g) then d, ", "; end if; end if; end if; end for;
Daniel Constantin Mayer, Sep 27 2014