Number n is present, if its prime factorization n = p_a^e_a * p_b^e_b * p_c^e_c * ... * p_i^e_i * p_j^e_j * p_k^e_k where a < b < c < ... < i < j < k, satisfies the condition that the first differences of prime indices (a-0, b-a, c-b, ..., j-i, k-j) form a palindrome.
More formally, numbers n whose prime factorization is either of the form p^e (p prime, e >= 0), i.e., one of the terms of A000961, or of the form p_i1^e_i1 * p_i2^e_i2 * p_i3^e_i3 * ... * p_i_{k-1}^e_{i_{k-1}} * p_{i_k}^e_{i_k}, where p_i1 < p_i2 < ... < p_i_{k-1} < p_k are distinct primes (sorted into ascending order) in the prime factorization of n, and e_i1 .. e_{i_k} are their nonzero exponents (here k = A001221(n) and i_k = A061395(n), the index of the largest prime present), and the indices of primes satisfy the relation that for each index i_j < i_k present, the index i_{k-j} is also present.
Antti Karttunen, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
1 is present because it has an empty factorization, so both the sequence of the prime indices and their first differences are empty, and empty sequences are palindromes as well.
12 = 2*2*3 = p_1^2 * p_2 is present, as the first differences (deltas) of prime indices (1-0, 2-1) = (1,1) form a palindrome.
60 = 2*2*3*5 = p_1^2 * p_2 * p_3 is present, as the deltas of prime indices (1-0, 2-1, 3-2) = (1,1,1) form a palindrome.
61 = p_18 is present, as the deltas of prime indices, (18), form a palindrome.
144 = 2^4 * 3^2 = p_1^4 * p_2^2 is present, as the deltas of prime indices (1-0, 2-1) = (1,1) form a palindrome.
Also, any of the cases mentioned in the Example section of A242417 as being present there, are also present in this sequence.
(Scheme, with Antti Karttunen's IntSeq-library)
Fixed points of A242415.
Antti Karttunen, May 31 2014