
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Numbers k such that both the sum of the semiprime divisors of k and the sum of the prime divisors of k are squares.
1146, 2874, 9870, 33220, 34353, 43140, 50694, 52290, 66440, 86280, 94350, 100804, 101097, 103059, 106140, 121540, 125070, 127897, 132880, 139908, 156870, 172560, 183475, 191140, 193410, 201608, 208692, 212280, 243080, 248378, 265760, 276094, 279816, 303291
The sequence is infinite: if a number of the form p(1) * p(2) * ... * p(i)^2 * p(i+1) * ... * p(m) is in the sequence where p(1), ..., p(m) are primes, then the numbers p(1) * p(2) * ... * p(i)^q * p(i+1) * ... * p(m) are also in the sequence for q = 3, 4, ... For example, the infinite subsequence 33220, 66440, 132880, ... contains the numbers of the form 2^q * 5 * 11 * 151 for q = 2, 3, 4, ... where 2+5+11+151 = 169 = 13^2 and 2*2 + 2*5 + 2*11 + 2*151 + 5*11 + 5*151 + 11*151 = 2809 = 53^2.
In this sequence, the corresponding pairs of squares are (961, 196), (2401, 484), (900, 64), (2809, 169), (4900, 361), (7225, 729), (2304, 100), (1521, 100), (2809, 169), (7225, 729), (1225, 64), (3721, 121), (12100, 289), (4900, 361), (2704, 100), (7225, 169), (8100, 400), (2916, 169), (2809, 169), (12769, 225), (1521, 100), (7225, 729), (8464, 225), (13225, 529), (5329, 121), (3721, 121), (1369, 64), (2704, 100), (7225, 169), (13689, 289), (2809, 169), (3364, 100), (12769, 225), (12100, 289), ...
1146 = 2*3*191 is in the sequence because the divisors are {1, 2, 3, 6, 191, 382, 573, 1146}, so the sum of the semiprime divisors is 6 + 382 + 573 = 961 = 31^2 and the sum of the prime divisors is 2 + 3 + 191 = 196 = 14^2.
with(numtheory):for n from 2 to 310000 do:x:=divisors(n):n1:=nops(x): y:=factorset(n):n2:=nops(y):s1:=0:s2:=0:for i from 1 to n1 do: if bigomega(x[i])=2 then s1:=s1+x[i]:else fi:od: s2:=sum('y[i]', 'i'=1..n2):if sqrt(s1)=floor(sqrt(s1)) and sqrt(s2)=floor(sqrt(s2)) then printf(`%d, `, n):else fi:od:
Rest@ Select[Range[3*10^5], AllTrue[{DivisorSum[#, # &, PrimeOmega@ # == 2 &], DivisorSum[#, # &, PrimeQ]}, IntegerQ@ Sqrt@ # &] &] (* Michael De Vlieger, Sep 15 2017 *)
Michel Lagneau, Jul 13 2013