The set of numbers which have n contiguous palindromic bit patterns (in their binary representation) is not empty, provided n<>5. Proof: For even n we have A206925(A206927(n/2)) = 2*(n/2) = n. For n=1,3,7,9 we get A206925(k)=n if we set k=1,3,8,17. For odd n>10 we define b(n) := 14*2^((n-9)/2)+A206927((n-9)/2). The b(n) have the binary expansion 11110, 111100, 1111001, 11110010, 111100101, 1111001011, 11110010110, 111100101100, 1111001011001, 11110010110010, 111100101100101, ..., for n=11, 13, 15, 17, ... . Evidently, b(n) is constructed by the concatenation of 111 with repeated bit patterns of 100101 (=37) truncated to 4+(n-9)/2 digits. As a result, the number of contiguous palindromic bit patterns of b(n) is A206925(111_2) + 3 + A206925(A206927((n-9)/2)) = 6 + 3 + n - 9 = n. This proves that there is always a number with n contiguous palindromic bit patterns.
Hieronymus Fischer, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..300
a(n) = min(k | A206925(k) = n), for n<>5.
A206925(a(n)) = n, n<>5.
a(n) <= A217100(n), equality holds for n = 1, 2, 3 and 5, only.
a(A000217(n)) = 2^n - 1.
a(A000217(n)+1) = 2^n.
a(A000217(n)+3) = 2^(n+1)+1, n>2.
a(A000217(n)+5) = 2^(n+2)+2, n>4.
a(A000217(n)+6) = 2^(n+3) - 2^n - 1, n>5.
a(A000217(n)+7) = 2^(n+3)+5, n>6.
a(A000217(n)+8) = 2^(n+3)+4, n>7.
a(A000217(n)+9) = 2^(n+4)+11, n>8.
a(A000217(n)+10) = 2^(n+4) - 2^n - 1, n>9.
a(A000217(n)+11) = 21*2^n, n>10.
a(A000217(n)+12) = 2^(n+4)+8, n>11.
a(A000217(n)+13) = 2^(n+5)+18, n>12.
a(3) = 3, since 3=11_2 has 3 contiguous palindromic bit patterns, and this is the least such number.
a(6) = 7. Since 7=111_2 has 6 contiguous palindromic bit patterns, and this is the least such number.
a(8) = 18. Since 18=10010_2 has 8 contiguous palindromic bit patterns (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 00, 010 and 1001), and this is the least such number.
a(9) = 17. Since 17=10001_2 has 9 contiguous palindromic bit patterns (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 00, 00, 000, and 10001), and this is the least such number.
Hieronymus Fischer, Jan 23 2013