Fermat pseudoprimes to base 2 with three prime factors.
561, 645, 1105, 1729, 1905, 2465, 2821, 4371, 6601, 8481, 8911, 10585, 12801, 13741, 13981, 15841, 16705, 25761, 29341, 30121, 30889, 33153, 34945, 41665, 46657, 52633, 57421, 68101, 74665, 83665, 87249, 88561, 91001, 93961, 113201, 115921, 121465, 137149
Fermat pseudoprimes to base 2 are also called Poulet numbers.
The most of the terms shown can be written in one of the following two ways:
(1) p*((n + 1)*p - n*p)*((m + 1)*p - m*p);
(2) p*((n*p - (n + 1)*p)*(m*p - (m + 1)*p),
where p is the smallest of the three prime factors and n, m natural numbers.
Exempli gratia for Poulet numbers from first category:
10585 = 5*29*73 = 5*(5*7 - 6)*(5*18 - 17);
13741 = 7*13*151 = 7*(7*2 - 1)*(7*25 - 24);
13981 = 11*31*41 = 11*(11*3 - 2)*(11*4 - 3);
29341 = 13*37*61 = 13*(13*3 - 2)*(13*5 - 4);
137149 = 23*67*89 = 23*(23*3 - 2)*(23*4 - 3).
Exempli gratia for Poulet numbers from second category:
6601 = 7*23*41 = 7*(7*4 - 5)*(7*7 - 8).
Note: from the numbers from the sequence above, just the numbers 30889, 88561 and 91001 can’t be written in one of the two ways.
What these three numbers have in common: they all have a prime divisor q of the form 30*k + 23 (i.e. 23, 53, 83) and can be written as q*((r + 1)*q - r), where r is a natural number.
Conjecture: Any Poulet number P with three or more prime divisors has at least one prime divisor q for that can be written as P = q*((r + 1)*q - r), where r is a natural number.
Note: it can be proved that a Carmichael number can be written this way for any of its prime divisors - see the sequence A213812.
Note: there are also many Poulet numbers with two prime divisors that can be written this way, but here are few exceptions: 7957, 23377, 42799, 49981, 60787.
The conjecture fails for a(80) = 617093 = 43 * 113 * 127. - Charles R Greathouse IV, Dec 07 2014
First differs from A074380 at n=56. - Amiram Eldar, Jun 28 2019
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Poulet Number
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Carmichael Number
Select[Range[10^5], PrimeNu[#] == 3 && PowerMod[2, (# - 1), #] == 1 &] (* Amiram Eldar, Jun 28 2019 *)
(PARI) is(n)=Mod(2, n)^n==2 && bigomega(n)==3 \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Dec 07 2014
The even terms form A296117.
Sequence in context: A080747 A306487 A074380 * A085999 A224695 A137198
Marius Coman, Aug 20 2012