Number of nX2 0..3 arrays with values 0..3 introduced in row major order, the number of instances of each value within one of each other, and no element equal to any horizontal or vertical neighbor.
1, 1, 14, 21, 424, 571, 14160, 18157, 508802, 635901, 19257756, 23709063, 756845422, 922808863, 30595342532, 37055004573, 1264116241990, 1523501274001, 53146116905514, 63810625823521, 2266270709962148, 2712945090726795
Column 2 of A199256.
Manuel Kauers and Christoph Koutschan, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000 (terms 1..56 from R. H. Hardin).
M. Kauers and C. Koutschan, Some D-finite and some possibly D-finite sequences in the OEIS, arXiv:2303.02793 [cs.SC], 2023.
From Manuel Kauers and Christoph Koutschan, Mar 01 2023: (Start)
a(2*n) = coefficient of x^n*y^n*z^n*t^(2*n) in t*x*y*(1 + t*z)/(2*(1 - t*(x + y + z + x*y + x*z + y*z) - 7*t^2*x*y*z)).
a(2*n+1) = coefficient of x^(n+1)*y^(n+1)*z^(n+1)*t^(2*n+1) in t*x*y*(1 + t*z)*(x + y + z + x*y + x*z + y*z)/(2*(1 - t*(x + y + z + x*y + x*z + y*z) - 7*t^2*x*y*z)) for n>0.
Recurrence of order 4 and degree 8 for even indices: (4 + n)^3*(3 + 2*n)*(-13 + 67*n + 529*n^2 + 440*n^3 + 96*n^4)*a(2*n + 8) - 2*(-47232 + 243564*n + 2728691*n^2 + 5650345*n^3 + 5266809*n^4 + 2637037*n^5 + 736180*n^6 + 108160*n^7 + 6528*n^8)*a(2*n + 6) + 2*(-151008 + 3194000*n + 25261108*n^2 + 53468052*n^3 + 53319121*n^4 + 29037852*n^5 + 8890558*n^6 + 1438672*n^7 + 95808*n^8)*a(2*n + 4) - 98*(23232 + 227996*n + 960783*n^2 + 1960439*n^3 + 2151893*n^4 + 1338307*n^5 + 470452*n^6 + 86848*n^7 + 6528*n^8)*a(2*n + 2) + 2401*n^3*(5 + 2*n)*(1119 + 2829*n + 2425*n^2 + 824*n^3 + 96*n^4)*a(2*n) = 0.
Recurrence of order 4 and degree 10 for odd indices: (5 + n)^3*(3 + 2*n)*(-736 + 2812*n + 35991*n^2 + 63072*n^3 + 38589*n^4 + 9720*n^5 + 864*n^6)*a(2*n + 9) - (3 + 2*n)*(-5010656 + 16627420*n + 251763403*n^2 + 561479353*n^3 + 541644308*n^4 + 281844117*n^5 + 85376223*n^6 + 15113172*n^7 + 1453248*n^8 + 58752*n^9)*a(2*n + 7) + (-156900576 + 635576668*n + 9349986451*n^2 + 24663169255*n^3 + 30687106706*n^4 + 21910345387*n^5 + 9644646333*n^6 + 2664337824*n^7 + 450289356*n^8 + 42566688*n^9 + 1724544*n^10)*a(2*n + 5) - 49*(7 + 2*n)*(1228128 + 12549268*n + 55318177*n^2 + 118911819*n^3 + 139678988*n^4 + 95529783*n^5 + 38777853*n^6 + 9129108*n^7 + 1143936*n^8 + 58752*n^9)*a(2*n + 3) + 2401*n^3*(7 + 2*n)*(150312 + 472150*n + 566901*n^2 + 331908*n^3 + 100149*n^4 + 14904*n^5 + 864*n^6)*a(2*n + 1) = 0. (End)
Some solutions for n=4
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
2 3 1 2 1 0 2 0 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 0 2 0
0 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 0 3 1 3 2
3 1 3 0 3 2 3 2 3 0 0 3 2 0 2 3 2 3 1 3
Sequence in context: A266651 A351689 A166628 * A199195 A373611 A291618
R. H. Hardin, Nov 04 2011