a(n) is the number of integers k <= n such that GCQ_A(n, k) >= 2 (see definition in comments).
0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 5, 6, 7, 9, 7, 11, 11, 12, 13, 15, 14, 17, 16, 18, 19, 21, 19, 23, 23, 24, 25, 27, 26, 29, 29, 30, 31, 33, 31, 35, 35, 36, 36, 39, 38, 41, 41, 42, 43, 45, 43, 47, 47
Definition of GCQ_A: The greatest common non-divisor of type A (GCQ_A) of two positive integers a and b (a<=b) is the largest positive non-divisor q of numbers a and b such that 1<=q<=a common to a and b; GCQ_A(a, b) = 0 if no such c exists.
GCQ_A(1, b) = GCQ_A(2, b) = 0 for b >=1. GCQ_A(a, b) = 0 or >= 2.
a(n) is also the number of number k <= n such that LCQ_A(n, k) >= 2.
Definition of LCQ_A: The least common non-divisor of type A (LCQ_A) of two positive integers a and b (a<=b) is the least positive non-divisor q of numbers a and b such that 1<=q<=a common to a and b; LCQ_A(a, b) = 0 if no such c exists.
LCQ_A(1, b) = LCQ_A(2, b) = 0 for b >=1. LCQ_A(a, b) = 0 or >= 2.
a(n) = n - A196437(n).
For n = 6, a(6) = 2 because there are 2 cases with GCQ_A(6, k) >= 2:
GCQ_A(6, 1) = 0, GCQ_A(6, 2) = 0, GCQ_A(6, 3) = 0, GCQ_A(6, 4) = 0, GCQ_A(6, 5) = 4, GCQ_A(6, 6) = 5.
Also there are 2 cases with LCQ_A(6, k) >= 2:
LCQ_A(6, 1) = 0, LCQ_A(6, 2) = 0, LCQ_A(6, 3) = 0, LCQ_A(6, 4) = 0, LCQ_A(6, 5) = 4, LCQ_A(6, 6) = 4.
(PARI) GCQ_A(a, b)=m = min(a, b); if(m < 3, return(0)); da = Set(divisors(a)); db = Set(divisors(b)); s = Set(vector(m-1, i, i)); s = setminus(s, da); s = setminus(s, db); if(#s==0, 0, s[#s])
a(n) = sum(i=3, n, GCQ_A(i, n)>=2) \\ David A. Corneth, Aug 04 2017
(PARI) GCQ_A(a, b)=forstep(m=min(a, b)-1, 2, -1, if(a%m && b%m, return(m))); 0
a(n) = sum(i=3, n, GCQ_A(i, n)>=2) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Aug 26 2017
Jaroslav Krizek, Nov 26 2011