
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Primes prime(n) such that (prime(n+1)/prime(n))^n > n.
2, 3, 7, 113, 1327, 1693182318746371
The Firoozbakht conjecture: (prime(n+1))^(1/(n+1)) < prime(n)^(1/n), or prime(n+1) < prime(n)^(1+1/n), prime(n+1)/prime(n) < prime(n)^(1/n), (prime(n+1)/prime(n))^n < prime(n).
Using the Mathematica program shown below, I have found no further terms below 2^27. I conjecture that this sequence is finite and that the terms stated are the only members. - Robert G. Wilson v, May 06 2012 [Warning: this conjecture may be false! - N. J. A. Sloane, Apr 25 2014]
I conjecture the contrary: the sequence is infinite. Note that 10^13 < a(6) <= 1693182318746371. - Charles R Greathouse IV, May 14 2012
[Stronger than Firoozbakht] conjecture: All (prime(n+1)/prime(n))^n values, with n >= 5, are less than n*log(n). - John W. Nicholson, Dec 02 2013, Oct 19 2016
The Firoozbakht conjecture can be rewritten as (log(prime(n+1)) / log(prime(n)))^n < (1+1/n)^n. This suggests the [weaker than Firoozbakht] conjecture: (log(prime(n+1))/log(prime(n)))^n < e. - Daniel Forgues, Apr 26 2014
All a(n) <= a(6) are in A002386, A205827, and A111870.
The inequality in the definition is equivalent to the inequality prime(n+1)-prime(n) > log(n)*log(prime(n)) for sufficiently large n. - Thomas Ordowski, Mar 16 2015
Prime indices, A000720(a(n)) = 1, 2, 4, 30, 217, 49749629143526. - John W. Nicholson, Oct 25 2016
Farhadian, R. (2017). On a New Inequality Related to Consecutive Primes. OECONOMICA, vol 13, pp. 236-242.
Reza Farhadian, A New Conjecture On the primes, Preprint, 2016.
R. Farhadian, and R. Jakimczuk, On a New Conjecture of Prime Numbers Int. Math. Forum, vol. 12, 2017, pp. 559-564.
Luan Alberto Ferreira, Some consequences of the Firoozbakht's conjecture, arXiv:1604.03496v2 [math.NT], 2016.
Luan Alberto Ferreira, Hugo Luiz Mariano, Prime gaps and the Firoozbakht Conjecture, São Paulo J. Math. Sci. (2018), 1-11.
A. Kourbatov, Upper bounds for prime gaps related to Firoozbakht's conjecture, J. Int. Seq. 18 (2015) 15.11.2.
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha, On a new property of primes that leads to a generalization of Cramer's conjecture, arXiv:1010.1399 [math.NT], 2010.
7 is in the list because, being the 4th prime, and 11 the fifth prime, we verify that (11/7)^4 = 6.09787588507... which is greater than 4.
11 is not on the list because (13/11)^5 = 2.30543740804... and that is less than 5.
Prime[Select[Range[1000], (Prime[# + 1]/Prime[#])^# > # &]] (* Alonso del Arte, May 04 2012 *)
firoozQ[n_, p_, q_] := n * Log[q] > Log[n] + n * Log[p]; k = 1; p = 2; q = 3; While[ k < 2^27, If[ firoozQ[k, p, q], Print[{k, p}]]; k++; p = q; q = NextPrime@ q] (* Robert G. Wilson v, May 06 2012 *)
(PARI) n=1; p=2; forprime(q=3, 1e6, if((q/p*1.)^n++>n, print1(p", ")); p=q) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, May 14 2012
(PARI) for(n=1, 75, if((A000101[n]/A002386[n]*1.)^A005669[n]>=A005669[n], print1(A002386[n], ", "))) \\ Each sequence is read in as a vector as to overcome PARI's primelimit \\ John W. Nicholson, Dec 01 2013
(PARI) q=3; n=2; forprime(p=5, 10^9, result=(p/q)^n/(n*log(n)); if(result>1, print(q, " ", p, " ", n, " ", result)); n++; q=p) \\ for stronger than Firoozbakht conjecture \\ John W. Nicholson, Mar 16 2015, Oct 19 2016
Cf. A111870.
Sequence in context: A088120 A230778 A111870 * A062935 A083436 A088856
Thomas Ordowski, May 04 2012
a(6) from John W. Nicholson, Dec 01 2013