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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A181664 Let f(m) = number of steps needed to reach a Harshad number when the map k->A062028(l) is iterated starting at m; a(n) = smallest m such that f(m) = n. 2
15, 19, 14, 28, 23, 16, 22, 65, 55, 142, 134, 130, 119, 109, 95, 79, 71, 58, 47, 37, 32, 25, 17, 13, 11, 44, 256, 245, 235, 815, 1313, 1489, 1469, 1510, 1493, 1480, 1829, 1828, 1814, 1789, 1772, 3115, 4295, 4276, 4262, 4246, 4229, 4216, 4196, 4177, 4163, 4147, 4183, 4166, 4153, 4142, 4132, 4118, 4111, 4094, 4081, 8914, 8885, 8857, 8834, 8809, 8783, 8761, 8741, 8722, 8699, 8674, 8648, 8626, 8597, 8569, 8546, 8530, 8513, 8491, 8471, 8452, 8429, 8413, 8387, 8365, 8345, 8326, 8312, 8287, 8270, 8248, 8228, 8209, 8186, 8170, 8153, 8140, 31085, 31072
(list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
Terms were computed by D. S. McNeil, Claudio Meller and Hans Havermann.
Eric Angelini, Posting to Sequence Fans Mailing List, Sep 20 2010
E. Angelini, Chasing base-10 Harshad numbers [Cached copy, with permission]
Hans Havermann, Steps to reach a Harshad
Sequence in context: A220787 A167322 A217406 * A348517 A224535 A225861
N. J. A. Sloane, Nov 18 2010

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Last modified September 19 12:50 EDT 2024. Contains 376012 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)